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Rock On
Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002

Target is evil. It fools you with those cute little commercials, the great deals, the "Fast, Fun, and Friendly" service. But after a while, the red and khaki starts to take over your life. Before you know it, you're coming into work on you day off (in fact, the first Saturday you have had off in months). You come in early and stay late. I have given that store a year and a half of my life, and this is the thanks I get?! I am Target's bitch.

And now that Harlan isn't working anymore, I'm being scheduled in the pharmacy a lot more. I usually only work in the pharmacy on Sundays from 11-3, but I have been back there the past 3 days. Speaking of, I'm really worried about Harlan.

He has to be one of the sweetest, funniest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He works as a pharmacy tech at my store. But then all of the sudden, he stopped coming into work. I saw him briefly on Friday when he was getting his paycheck... he looked so sad. I miss him.

On a happier not, in approximately 2 hours I am going to be jammin' to Seven Nations y'all! I can't wait. It's only been about a month and a half since I saw them last, but it's seemed like an eternity. They are the greatest band EVER. If anyone is reading this (which I doubt... I'm so unpopular) go to the Marquee Theater tonight and support 7N. Rock on.

"I hope you will realize this is where you belong..." -Kirk McLeod of 7N

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