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More Than One Way to Skin a Cat
Monday, Dec. 09, 2002

I do not want to be a pharmacist when I get older. That's for sure. I have absolutely no idea what I would like to major in, or what career path I'd like to follow, but I can tell you now, I will never be a pharmacist. These past few months that I've been working in Target's pharmacy have been absolute hell. Well, it hasn't been that bad, but it has its moments, like when we get super busy.

I know what you're thinking: "Yeah right! Pharmacies are never busy!" Well, that's what I thought, too. When they asked me to work back there, I was like "Sure, piece 'o cake!" Boy was I wrong! It is very stressful work. I feel for Tasha and Kevin (the 2 best pharmacists out there! w00p w00p!).

Not only is it hard work, but you are constantly calling insurance companies and dealing with grouchy people. Mostly grouchy OLD people. No matter how many times you tell them that their insurance company gives them the price, not Target, they still blame us when their co-pay goes up. Why can't people understand this?

I worked from 1-7 today, and I am so burnt out. I'm getting sick... you know the feeling. Your throat starts to hurt one night, then the next moring when you wake up its ten times worse, yet you force yourself out of bed because you are a fighter! Then school finally lets out, but then you have to go to work. Let me just say that I have never ever looked forward to winter break more than I am right now. It will be nice not having school or work (or both) every single day.

Today I witnessed the most disturbing thing I've ever seen. In my anatomy class we are dissecting cats (sad, I know) and I am in a group with Megan, Danielle, Val, and Kyle. I am happy to say that I did not participate in the skinning of our cat today. Danielle, Val, and Kyle did it while Megan and I looked on in horror. I wanted to cry. It was very morbid.

Our anatomy teacher is so twisted. The day before we started on our cats, he made us watch a National Geographic video on cats and kittens. And no, it wasn't about dissecting them or anything... it was just a video about how cute kitties are. And on top of that, he made us name them. Our cat's name is Pixie. I think I'm going to sue my teacher for mental anguish.

Well I am very happy to say that the Tylenol PM I took thirty minutes ago is starting to kick in (yessss) so I've got to go grab a quick bite, then it's off to bed. G'night all.

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