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Purple Roses
Sunday, Dec. 15, 2002

I was in cashier hell today. It was aweful. The never ending lines of idiotic people... unbelievable. I can't remember the last time I was scheduled as a cashier and actually did it the whole day. Well, I only did it for four hours, for my last hour there Bernie asked me to go help Pauline behind Guest Service, my sanctuary. Thank God.

I'm actually off tomorrow (w00 h00!) and I'm going to a movie with Cookie and Jason around noon, and then around 8:00 p.m. I'm going with Derald to the Home Depot Christmas party (he works there). Sounds like I'm going to have a fun day of non-Target activity.

I heard from Harlan a few days ago. He e-mailed me, and he said he was doing alright, that he was "keeping his head down, and his smile coming." He also said he that he is planning on going to the Seven Nations concert this coming Friday (it's at Jack Rabbits for anyone who's interested...). I can't wait to see him!

After I got off work today, Cookie came over. He brought me purple roses y'all! How awesome is that? Anyone who knows me can tell you I have a strange obsession with the color purple, and what more could I ask for than purple roses? It was wonderful. We watched Men in Black II (which I wouldn't reccommend... I don't enjoy those movies...) and then we watched re-runs of the Real World (thank goodness Trichelle isn't pregnant!).

Well, I would love to write more (I really would to be quite honest) but I am awaiting a phone call from Cookie Monster, and unfortunately my time is cut short. But I promise more for the next entry... as if anyone really cares...

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