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Hot Elf
Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2002

Tonight I went to a midnight showing of The Two Towers, and it was absolutely wonderful. Cookie came to see me at work this afternoon and asked me if I wanted to go, so of course I said yes. I went with him, Rob, Brendan, Stephanie, and Crissy. Good movie and good company. Splendid.

Well, the beginning of the movie wasn't so splendid. Before it started, I made a comment to Cookie and Rob about how my hair didn't look good tonight. Then when we got popcorn I made a comment about my slow metabolism and how I don't need to be eating such fatty foods. Well, when I say things like that about myself, Cookie gets so irritated at me, and tonight I must have put him over the top because he stopped talking to everyone. He said he "didn't have the energy" to argue with me. I just ignored him and talked to Rob for about 45 minutes. He gave me a pep talk about my looks, and said I put myself down too much. I am going to work on that in the future.

After our mini-drama, the movie started...

I must say, I enjoyed The Two Towers more than I did The Fellowship of the Ring. A lot was left out from the book, but the movie was still accurate for the most part. Oh, and the scenery was just beautiful! I would love to go to New Zealand one day. The landscape is incredible.

For all of you ladies, there are much more Legolas scenes in this movie than there were in the last (yeeeooow!). When he fist came onto the screen, every female in the place squirmed. Legolas has got to be my favorite character (and no, not just because he's gorgeous... I really do love the character). Orlando Bloom was amazing. He portrays the character so well. Little things like the way he glided across the hills was so light, it was just like you'd picture an elf's step to be. "Legolas' moves are smooth and elegant, like a cat... it's very balletic. It's also bloody hard to do without falling over." Orlando Bloom on acting Legolas... te-he.

The scenes with Gimli were surprisingly hilarious! The writers of the movie know just the right moments for comic relief. "You'll have to toss me! Don't tell the elf!" I was rolling!

One of my favorite parts was at the beginning of one of the battles. Gimli was riding on horseback, and as he was flying by, Legolas grabbed hold of the horse, swung himself up and landed behind Gimli. I don't know exactly what did it for me, but there was something about the way sexy Legolas leapt up onto that horse... and I know it wasn't just me, because the entire audience did this whole "Whoooaaa!" thing at that part... I'd go see the movie again just to see that scene.

My other favorite part was when Gollum was having a conversation with himself about his "preciousss." It's kind of hard to explain, but the camera angle kept switching back and forth, from "angry Gollum" to "timid/frightened Gollum." It was like a conversation was going on between two people, but it was just both sides his personality. And all the while I couldn't help but notice how much Gollum reminded me of Dobby the House Elf...

I was a bit disappointed that Liv Tyler didn't have many scenes in this movie, but I guess Arwen doesn't play that big of a role in the story. Aragorn still loves her, but now that Eowyn is in the picture it looks as though there may be some chemistry... uh-OH!

Oh my! Look at how I've been rambling about LOTR! At this rate none of you will even need to see the movie, you'll have heard it all from me. I guess that's my cue to stop writing and go to bed (funny, I'm going to bed around the time that I would normally be waking up). Now I'm off to have wonderful dreams about hot ass elves... Legolas... mmm...

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