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We Close at Seven
Monday, Dec. 23, 2002

I was questioned today by an honest-to-goodness detective! I can't really say much more (I wish I could sooooo badly) other than the fact that it happened. I was minding my own business, filling prescriptions, and then I hear, "Erin, I need to ask you a few questions." I was extremely nervous. It was impressed upon me not to tell anyone in fear of my "termination" from Target... eek! I think I've said too much!

Today I worked for ten hours! It was aweful. I was scheduled from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., but I ended up having to come in at 10:00 a.m. because Jamie couldn't work today. Not only that, but we closed an hour late because of all the last minute prescriptions we had to do. Word to the wise: If a pharmacy closes at 7:00 p.m., that doesn't mean they take prescriptions until then, it means WE CLOSE AT SEVEN!!!

Last night Cookie and I rented "The Count of Monte Cristo." That has got to be one of the greatest movies ever. The story was awesome (I want to read the book now) and the scenery was so pretty! One of my favorite things from the movie had to be the costumes. Mercedes, the female lead, had the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen. I would have loved to live in a time like that (other than the lack of indoor plumbing). I don't like the clothes of this era, or whatever you want to call it. Nothing is pretty anymore, just "trendy."

I hear the microwave beaping... my Stouffer's lasagna must be done. Mmm... I'm going to go enjoy the wonderfulness that is Italian food and watch The Fellowship of the Ring. Sounds like a fun night. Ta ta.

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