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Sunday, Jan. 05, 2003

I can't believe I have to go back to school tomorrow. I really don't want to, I was enjoying my time off. Oh, well. Only one more semester, then I'm free! Well, not counting the four years of college to follow. But I'll think about that later. I'm just counting down the days until May 20th, my graduation day!

Yesterday after work, Cookie picked me up and we went to his house for a while. I finally got to meet his parents, and they were so sweet. His mom is so easy to talk to, and she seemed to like me quite a bit. His dad didn't say much, but was still very nice. I had been nervous about meeting them, but now I don't even know why I was in the first place! They are great!

Cookie and I left his house around 8:00 p.m. and went to Diedrich Coffee, where his friend "Stemepho" (AKA Stephanie) works (she is so great!). I had never been there before, and I absolutely loved it . It's a little coffee house in Mandarin and it was just adorable. I wanted to get something so badly, but I didn't because of my diet. They had this Reeses' Cake that was three layers... OH. MY. GOD. I was very tempted but didn't give in. I only had one sip of Cookie's "Stemepho Special." He also got some iced mocha thing and a bagel. He kept trying to get me to eat/drink some of his stuff, but I didn't! That took a heck of a lot of will power.

Damn this stupid diet. I feel like I'm always hungry. I mean, I know that's the point of a diet, so you don't eat as much food as you normally would, so therefore you lose weight. Yes, it makes sense, but it's so hard! I don't know what my problem is. I don't feel like I'm losing any weight. Well, I've only been doing this for five days, but still. They said at my first Weight Watchers meeting that you lose the most weight in your first week. I don't think I've lost any so far. I wonder if I'm doing it wrong? Yargh! This is so frustrating.

After Cookie and I left Dierdrich, we went to see Star Trek Nemesis. I have never been a big Star Trek fan, but I really liked this movie. Very cool. Oh, and I want to be Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi). She is so freakin' pretty!

When I got off work today I went to the gym. They close at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays, so I didn't get a very long workout in. I did thirty minutes on the elliptical machine, and then I did a few weight machines. I wish I had been able to get there earlier, but I had stupid work. Urgh. That's one good thing about school starting back up: my availability says I can only work twenty hours a week. Let's hope they stick to that!

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