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Orinoco Flow
Saturday, Jan. 11, 2003

Okay, back in business. These past few days have been busy, and I haven�t had the chance to update (my apologies). Let�s see� my last entry was on Tuesday. Oh, my! It really has been a while! Nothing of great importance happened on Wednesday, so I�ll start with Thursday.

This semester has been coming along nicely. My Econ teacher is so darned funny! Love him to death. And Mrs. Quinn (English) is great as well. I know I�ve already said it before, but that class is great. On Thursday we started reading Beowulf aloud. Val and I make fun of all the kids who can�t read. Heh heh. I know, I know, we�re mean, but it�s so irresistible.

After school, I went shopping because I didn�t have to work. Oddly enough, I went to Target (lol) and bought an Enya CD, Watermark. I�ve been borrowing The Memory of Trees from my mom, so I decided it was time to buy one of my own. I just love it. Orinoco Flow has go to be one of the greatest songs ever. Let me sail, let me sail, let the orinoco flow� When I left Target, I headed over to the mall and bought TTT soundtrack at FYE. Good stuff.

Since Thursday was my cousin Maddie�s birthday, we had a mini-party at her house that night with the family. It was really fun, and she seemed like she had a good birthday. I helped Natalie with some of her homework, and wrestled around with Patrick a bit. He is too cute! Hehe.

After I got off work on Friday, Megan and I went to a spinning class at Cory�s. Oh my goodness, it was one of the most fun workouts I�ve ever had! I�m addicted now. Any of you ladies out there who would like to try it, just let me know and I�ll get you a visitor�s pass and we can go together. It�s so great! The only bad part about it is that the seats on the bikes are a wee bit small, and your crotch and booty hurt a little when it�s over. Bwahahaha.

That night Maddie and her friend Jadah were having a joint birthday party at Beach Bowl and invited a bunch of kids from their class. Maddie had asked Cookie and me to go, so when I got done with spinning, we drove down to the beach. When Maddie saw me, she let out the cutest squeal of excitement, hehe! She was so happy that we made it. Oh, and let me tell ya, all her friends had a fit when they saw Cookie! They thought the piercings were so cool, and then he started to bust out the dance moves (for any of you who don�t already know, that boy is made of rubber and can out-dance anybody) and they freaked. He�s so great. I love that boy so much! It�s kind of funny� I didn�t think we would have that much fun hanging out with a bunch of 5th graders on a Friday night, but it was one of the best nights I�d had in quite some time!

When I woke up this morning, I went to the gym and went to another spinning class. I�m telling you, I�m addicted. What a great way to start the day off! It was nice to get the workout out of the way.

After I�d had my shower, Cookie came over and we watched some movies. First we watched Minority Report, and then Airheads. If you�ve never seen either of those, you must go rent them, right away! Especially Airheads, hahaha, it was so great. Rock and roll baby.

After we ate dinner, I started watching Tail Daters (don�t ask me why), and Cookie was playing on the computer. I ended up falling asleep and he watched South Park for a while, but then he woke me up and asked if I wanted to go to IHOP with him and Rob. I decided to stay home because I was about to pass out. Which reminds me� I�m really, really sleepy. I think I�m gonna hit the hay now. G�night all.

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