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Target Visa Queen
Monday, Jan. 13, 2003

I really didn't want to go to school today. I was so sleepy. Urgh, why does school have to start at 7:15 a.m.? Why? It's okay though, because I had a pretty good 'lil school day. We did some easy exercises in Econ (and yes, Ashley, Mr. Curran is my teacher), had a vocabulary test in English, and finished reading Beowulf. Good stuff.

After school I went to work. I was scheduled 1-5 in the pharmacy, but Jamie was working today so they didn't really need me back there, so I helped out at Guest Service a little. Around 2:30 p.m., my manager, Ashley (who I think is so gorgeous and I'm obsessed with her...), asked me to do the credit table, which is basically harrassing people to get a Target Visa as they walk into the store. I hate doing it, but she asked me because she likes me (yay!) and knows I'm good at getting credit applications. By the end of my shift I had gotten three credit aps (which is pretty good for such a short shift) and I made Ashley proud! Whoopee! I also got to pick out a Target Visa prize. I am now the proud owner of a Target coffee cup. You know you're jealous.

My mom met me up at the gym around 5:30 p.m. We were planning on going to a spinning class, and since they fill up so fast, we got there thirty minutes early. Well, even though we were there early, it wasn't early enough. The class was already full! I was looking forward to it all day, too. Gah!

Yesterday my dad and I had Christmas. Better late than never, I always say. I gave him The Count of Monte Cristo on DVD and an Entertainment Book. I had ordered She's the One for him a couple weeks ago, but it hasn't come in yet! Urgh. It was supposed to be here by now. I told him not to buy any more DVDs until I gave him the rest of his gift.

Later that afternoon we went driving around our old neighborhood (the house on East Road for anyone who's interested). I don't know why, but it made me so sad. I was doing everything in my power to keep from bawling, but after about fifteen minutes of driving around my old neighborhood and talking about things with my dad, the water works came. I swear I haven't cried that much in a long time. My dad must've thought I was crazy. It's kind of funny, we were listening to a song by The Clarks, and my dad told me to listen to the lyrics... "Somebody told me sadness makes a space inside your soul where wisdom takes its place." Then he said, "I don't know where your sorrow lies, but it only makes you wiser." My dad is so deep sometimes. Bwahahaha.

I wonder where my love is. I've called him a couple of times, but he doesn't answer. Maybe he's asleep. I thought he might be with Rob, but I called him on his cell and Rob said he was Cookie-less. Boo. I want my babeh.

Oh, yes, speaking of Rob... I am so jealous of him, I swear. This just isn't right. He has an uncle who works for National Public Radio, and he told this uncle about Seven Nations in hopes of getting them on NPR. Well, it worked, and sometime in February Rob is flying to D.C. to be in the studio while they record the interview! Urgh! I'm trying to get him to take me along, although that would be quite impossible because of expenses. I told my dad about it, though, and he is willing to pay as long as he can go, too. I don't know if Rob will be able to get us all in, though... Robehr, I loooooooove you!!! Hehehe... take me with you, damnit!

I love Monday night TV. Lately I have been watching 7th Heaven. I don't know why, it's kind of dorky, but I like it. And then Joe Millionaire comes on at 9:00 p.m. on FOX! I love that show. Did any of you see it last week? Good stuff. I want the tall, pretty blonde to win. I forget her name, but she's the super tall one. She seems nice, and I think she would look good coupled with "Joe." Haha.

I suppose that's it for today. I think I'm going to try calling Cookie one more time... yargh! Where is he??

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