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You Will Marry Legolas
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003

I went to see TTT by myself today. I thought I would get lonely, but it was actually kind of fun. They were showing it in one of the huge theaters, but only five people showed up (all of which, I might ad, were there by themselves, too!). It was kind of neat.

I was cracking up in the theater. I'd forgotten how funny certain parts of that movie are. "We have decided... you are not orcs" -Treebeard. Bwahahaha. Oh, and the scenes with Gimli and Legolas are the best... Gimli: "That's two!" Legolas: "Seventeen for me!" Haha. Oh! And right before the battle of Helm's Deep, when the camera is scanning across the wall, and you think everything is going to be all serious from there on, you hear, "You could've picked a better spot." Aaahahaha. "Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to get you a box?" Ah, Legolas...

Speaking of Leggy (lol) I don't really find Orlando Bloom that attractive. I mean, I do, but not as much as I do when he's in costume. It's weird because I don't really like blonde guys... it must be the pointy ears. Yep... I think that's what it is.

I swear TTT has to be the greatest movie ever. I liked it a lot better than FOTR, only I wish Arwen had a bigger role. She's my favorite character. I want to make a new layout... I was thinking of an Arwen/Aragorn theme. I have been searching for pictures to use... If any of you know of some LOTR sites with good pictures, drop me a note and lemme know.

I wish I knew how to do all this HTML mess. I am going to get Devon to teach me one of these days. Then the next time I want to change my layout I won't have to wait for her to do it for me. Urgh. I'm getting sick of looking at perfect Britney Spears. As much as I love her, I hate her. Grrr.

Today I became an Aragorn fan. Not that I didn't like him already, but seeing TTT again triggered something. Viggo Mortensen is really hot. Look at this picture of him. Oh, baby.

Oh my gosh. Would you listen to me? It's a wonder anyone ever reads this thing. All I do is talk about how cute I think all the guys from LOTR are... my apologies. I'm gonna stop doing that now.

I was reading Amy earlier, and she had a link to MASH! Of course I had to do it... check out my results: "You will live in a Shack. You will drive a Lavender Expedition. You will marry Legolas and have 2 kids. You will be a Target Store Manager in Alaska." I'm gonna marry Legolas... sweet!

Well, I'm going to go read TTT now. I started re-reading it yesterday because we have a book report due in two weeks, and I wanted it all to be fresh in my mind. Not like I mind reading it again or anything. Hehe. I've been playing the soundtrack to the movie while I read the book... it's kinda cool. I guess that's kind of a dorky thing to do. Oh, well. Reading time...

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