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Everything is a Test
Sunday, Feb. 02, 2003

Yargh! I�m so irritated. I had practically finished writing my entry, when this stupid thing popped up and said Internet Explorer had encountered some difficulties and needed to shut down. Grr! I was almost done, too. Why didn�t I type it in Word and save as I went? Why, Erin, why?! So, here is my feeble attempt at remembering what I had already written�

Lordy, it�s been almost a week since I last wrote. That�s not like me at all. Sheesh. I�ll try to be more consistent in the future.

This past week was very hectic. I had to write my essay on TTT (which I got an A on, by the way), finish my Econ project, do tons of homework, and plus I had to work quite a bit. Hopefully all the schoolwork will pay off, because we get report cards this coming week (I think). We shall see�

I finally finished reading TTT! Yay! I�m going to try to wait on ROTK until after I�ve seen the movie. Besides, now I have The Chronicles of Narnia to entertain me for a while. I�m almost done with The Magician�s Nephew. Now I finally know how that lamp post got into Narnia� heh.

Speaking of TCON, do any of you remember the made-for-TV movies that aired on PBS years ago? That was how I first heard of TCON, and I was practically obsessed with them when I was little. We had recorded a few of them, and yesterday I got the sudden urge to watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We also have Prince Caspian and The Silver Chair on tape. You know what I think would be a great idea? Movies for TCON that are along the same lines as LOTR. I know, I know, they already made the movies, but c�mon. They were a PBS mini-series. Give me some hip, modern actors, and cool special effects! I think I feel a new obsession coming on� watch out now.

Friday night Cookie and I saw The Recruit. Very good movie. Comes highly recommended by yours truly. It�s hard to tell what�s going on sometimes, though. Very� tricksy� yes. Everything is a test. Heh.

Last night Cookie came over and he helped me do my Econ project. We had to make a brochure comparing and contrasting the United States with a third world country. I picked Zimbabwe. It turned out pretty good, actually. Thank goodness my baby is so good with computers, because I�m definitely not. He made my project look very pretty! Thanks Babe!

We left my house around 9:00 p.m. and went to Diedrich Coffee. I love that place. We just chilled with Stemepho for a while, and listened to music for what seemed like an eternity. We were sitting on a cozy couch, he was sipping coffee, and the Music Man was playing Buffet (and Margaritaville at that!). It was one of the most perfect nights of my life.

After Cookie dropped me off, I went inside and got online (of course� what else would I do? I�m Internet obsessed�). I mustered up enough courage to IM Laura, and she sent me an invitation to a LOTR Sisters chat. I was really excited, although I didn�t say much (due to my shy nature, I suppose). I must admit, I�m a bit� intimidated by some of the Sisters. Not in a bad way at all, it�s just that they seem almost like celebrities to me. I mean, I read some of their diaries on a regular basis, but I�ve never really talked to any of them. I�ve e-mailed Ivy quite a bit, but I don�t believe she was in the chat last night� I�ll try to speak up a little more next time.

I didn�t have to work yesterday, but today I was scheduled 11-3 in the pharmacy. Well, when I got to work this morning, Alan looked at me with a surprised look and asked me what I was doing there. �Urm� I�m working,� I said. Then he told me Emily was already here. Then I hear Katie from behind me� �What are you doin� here Crazy Jane?� (For those of you who don�t know, Katie is one of my extremely hyper supervisors� I love her to death). I explained to her that Tasha told me I was off Saturday, but was working Sunday. Well, apparently someone got mixed up somewhere and told Emily to work. On that note I was ready to march out the door and head home, but of course they wanted me to stay� so I did. I worked G.S. with Pauline for a couple hours, then Katie let me decorate a new board upstairs featuring Target�s new slogan for the Target Visa� �Ask today� your way!� Corny, eh?

When I got off, I did a �lil Target shopping. I bought two really cute pairs of flip flops. Here�s one pair, and here�s the other pair, although I didn�t get them in black or blue, mine are tan. I don�t know why they don�t have them on the website. Hrm�

Alrighty, I�m gonna go read a little bit �o The Magician�s Nephew, and call my honey. G�night all!

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