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Some'sing's Wrong
Wednesday, Feb. 05, 2003

I feel very "blah" right now. I'm not quite sure why. I feel like going to sleep and never waking up again.

I just got back from Target. I had already worked today, but forgot to check my schedule, so I made a quick trip to do so. I was about to leave when I spotted them... they were on an endcap, hidden behind Harry Potter and Spongebob... my LOTR valentines! Woot! And they were on clearance, too! So of course I had to buy them. Eeehehehe.

I talked to Alan earlier today, and he told me that the egger lady called him! I don't know how... I guess she called Target and asked to talk to one of us. Anywho, she said that she wanted to wash both of our trucks to make up for what she did. Hrm... I think I'd wrather have her give me $25 to go get my car washed. I don't want her near my poor trucky ever again. Hrumph.

Today we had a "field trip" (if that's what you want to call it) to some District Competition for DCT (Diversified Career Technology, the class I take to be in the work program). I don't consider it a field trip because we had to drive ourselves (well, I didn't drive, I rode with Venus and Sheneka). It was all the way out at North Jacksonville Baptist Church. Why?! Ughhh... anywho, we had to go and take a test (mine was on customer service... exciting...) and all this stupid crap. Some parts of the day were actually kind of fun, though.

Our teacher, Mrs. Thomas, is the district coordinator for DCT, so she got me and a few of the other girls in our class to help her pass things out and get people signed up for their events. I got to talk to lots of cute boys in the process, hehehe. I mean, um... I love Cookie. Yeah. :/

While we were waiting for our tests to be graded, I sat with Darko and a few others. We had a nice 'lil chat. Hehe, Darko is so funny. "Erin, you are a good gel. All you do is read book and go to bed early. Some'sing's wrong wit you, I swear. You are a strange gel. But you're a good gel, you know I love you." Love that Serbian accent... heh.

On my way home from Target (the second trip) I was listening to my Avril Lavigne CD. Not a big fan of hers, but I got the CD for free a few months ago (for getting the most Target Visa's in one day, lol). "I'm With You" came on, and it made me want to cry. It also made me want to go to sleep and never wake up (as I mentioned earlier). It's such a peaceful song... well, until she starts yelling at the end of it. "I'm with YOOOOOOOUUUUU." Eek.

I want to see TTT again really bad. I've only seen it twice. What kind of fan am I? Sheesh. I shall try to go again this weekend because I don't have to work. Woot. They have been cutting everyone's hours this month (seeing as they don't need as many people after the holidays) and so I've had the past few weekends off. I love it.

Okay, good. Cookie just called. I was wondering where he was (he had been at Brendan's house... who is letting me borrow his LOTR computer game... squee!). I'm gonna go talk to him a 'lil, read my book, and go to bed early, because I am a good gel.

This is quite entertaining. Hehe.

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