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The Last Unicorn
Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003

Oh my gosh! I can�t believe this! A live action version of The Last Unicorn is in the making! Squeee! I found it on, and later found a link to How incredibly awesome is that?! I�m actually reading the book right now, and it was one of my favorite movies when I was little (watching it right now as a matter of fact� hehe). I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself. Eeehehehehe. This is wonderful.

It says they are planning on releasing it around Christmas 2004. Hrm... I will be twenty by then! Whew! That's okay, though, I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. And you know the really cool thing about it? They are using some of the same actors who did the voices in the cartoon movie (Rene Auberjonois, Mia Farrow, Angela Lansbury, Christopher Lee) to be in the new version. That's so awesome! Wee!

I wonder how they're going to do it. I mean, how they'll do the unicorn. Will they use a real horse, or something computer generated? Hmm... and I wonder what actress they will get to play Amalthea. Oh my, this is so great. Is it Christmas 2004 yet?

Alright, now that I've vented about my most recent obsession... here's what I've been up to the past few days...

Last night Megan and I went to a wrestling match at UC. I always get so excited about going back, but once I'm there I can't remember why I ever wanted to go back. It's not the people, it's just something about that place that gives me the creeps. We stayed for about an hour and a half, then I took her back to her house (she had plans to do something with another friend later that night).

Allie, Barry, and I had made plans earlier in the week to hang out after I went to the wrestilng match. Allie called me when her soccer game was over (around the same time I dropped Meg off) and she said she'd come over as soon as she was ready. Too kill some time, I went to Target and looked around for a while. I bought this black chenille throw and a really cute picture frame (couldn't find the picture of it on the website), and both match the "jungle-y" theme of my room. Very nice.

When I got home from Target, Ben called me and said he was on his way to my house. A few minutes after he came over, Allie arrived. While we were waiting on Barry, we watched 20/20 with my mom and Brian. They did the most amazing story on this girl Jessica. She was born with no arms, but she lives her life just like anyone else, except she does everything with her feet, even puts in contact lenses! It was really incredible. Everyone go read Jessica's story!

Ben, Allie, and I got sick of waiting for Barry (who was, undoubtably, getting high with some friends of his from school), and since Allie was hungry we made a quick trip to Taco Bell. Barry was supposed to meet us there, but when we called to see how close he was, he hadn't even left his friend's house, so we went back to my house again and he said he'd meet us there.

Finally Barry showed up, and the four of us just hung out. It was so much fun, I mean, we had not done anything together in the longest time, and we used to spend every waking moment together at the end of our Junior year (well, Barry's Sophomore year). I never see Barry anymore because he goes to Englewood now, Allie and I only see eachother at school once a day in between first and second period, I leave early for the work program, and Ben leaves early because he is in dual enrollment classes (he leaves after third period and goes to college... smarty pants), so our group has kind of fallen apart. It was really nice to be with all of them again.

You are an Artist! Creative with an eye for beauty, you tend to express your fannishness in writing, drawing, making costumes, or otherwise employing your considerable talents. Go you, and thanks for making the fandom a more beautiful place. What type of LOTR fan are you?

Hmm... an artist, eh? I suppose that's somewhat true. I don't know how to make costumes (although I would make LOTR costumes if I knew how), and I'm not very good at drawing, but I suppose I do write a lot (perhaps too much) about LOTR. I also like to think of myself as creative... not to say that I am, I just like to think so... *sigh*

Since I didn't have to work this weekend (muahahaha) I went to the gym this morning. I had spinning class at 9:30 a.m. and Lee Ann was the teacher. I think I'm starting to like her more than Marie. She is much more hyper and I like her style better. Go Lee Ann! After spinning I did yoga for an hour and a half (Lee Ann also teaches yoga... she is awesome!). If you've never done yoga, I would definitely recommend that you do. It's actually pretty hard, and requires good balance and strength. The poses are really fun, and after you do it for a while, you get in a zone and it's the coolest thing! All the lights were out in the aerobics room while we had class, and there were a few scented candles here and there. It was quite peaceful! After yoga I lifted for a while, and then I came home.

After I had my shower, I fell asleep for a couple hours. I had stayed up too late last night (just like I am tonight...) talking to Cookie on the phone, and plus I was exhausted from working out, so I suppose I needed a 'lil cat nap. Brian grilled some ribs, and we all ate around 7:00 p.m. Cookie called a few minutes after that and said that he was on his way over. He brought Sweet Home Alabama over for us to watch, but we went to Blockbuster to get one more movie. He rented Undisputed (and I slept through the entire thing), and I got Legend and The Last Unicorn (because I can't seem to find my copy of it... I think my cousins borrowed it...) for myself. Hehe, I love my fantasy movies (and books). I don't care what anyone says!

Oh my, I'm so very tired. I must be getting to bed. I wouldn't normally be too concerned with staying up this late on a Saturday night, but I have to get up around 8-ish tomorrow morning to listen to Seven Nations on NPR. Rob's uncle works for NPR, and he told this uncle about 7N. In a matter of days, Rob's uncle had the guys scheduled for an interview, and Rob go to fly to D.C. to chill with them while they recorded it! Lucky bastard... I'm the one who's been a fan for the past four years... it's all good though, I've met 'em enough times. :) Anywho, here is the article for anyone who's interested. Good night all!

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