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Sunday, Feb. 23, 2003

I had the best day! I got up at 9:00 a.m. and worked out, then I went in to work at 12. I hadn't worked since Wednesday, so I actually had a pretty fun time. Sometimes I forget how much I like my job.

After I got off, Matt, Kari and I went to see TTT! Squee! I was so excited. I swear, that is the greatest movie. Matt and Kari were making fun of me most of the time, though, because the entire time I was either quoting aloud or going ::squee:: Heh heh. It was fun. At one point the two of them got up and left, and then came back. I wondered what they were doing, and later Matt told me that they got back together! Yay. Matt and Kari broken up just wasn't right. Y'all belong together. :)

When the movie was over, I called my friend Lauren that I work with. She was babysitting, and the people she was sitting for were letting her have a few people over. John (another work friend) came and picked me up, and we went over to chill with Lauren. Alan and Drew were there when we arrived, and Justin came later. I love the people I work with! Seriously, I love 'em. And oooohhh man, Lauren is funny as heck when she's drunk...

I'm happy to say that I only had 1/2 bottle of Smirnoff. I didn't really want to drink because 1)way too many empty calories that I definitely don't need, and 2)I had to drive Johnny home. Oh man, he actually let me drive his truck! It's a Tacoma, and I loooooved driving it, although it took some getting used to. We got back to my house around 1:30 a.m. (30 minutes before my curfew, go me), even though I had been invited to go with them to another party, but... didn't really feel like going. So Johnny rode with Justin to that other party... hope you didn't get TOO fucked up, Justin... bwahaha.

Speaking of Justin, we had a conversation about all the old Nick shows the other day! Oh, man, I miss those days...

enkubiss: I work at 6!
enkubiss: do you?
SevenNchik: no, i worked 6 days in a row, and i am off today thank goodness!
enkubiss: I am Cartie... the strongest man... in the world...
SevenNchik: OMG!!!
SevenNchik: I looooooved pete&pete
enkubiss: lol
SevenNchik: Cartie, bwahahaha
enkubiss: that's gold, isn't it??...I just made it up
enkubiss: it still comes on Noggin...
SevenNchik: what channel is noggin?
enkubiss: I dunno if you get it... 121
SevenNchik: oh nvm
SevenNchik: no we dont go that high, lol
enkubiss: lol...
enkubiss: it's on comcast broadband
SevenNchik: hrm... note to self, get Noggin
enkubiss: lol
enkubiss: they have lots of stuff on there!
enkubiss: Alex Mack...
SevenNchik: really!
enkubiss: yeah
SevenNchik: oh wowowowow
enkubiss: ummm...
enkubiss: Bill Nye, lol
SevenNchik: all the old Nick shows?!
SevenNchik: hehe
enkubiss: ummm...
enkubiss: yeah, a bunch of em
enkubiss: I've seen Hey Dude
SevenNchik: do they ever play Hey Dude
enkubiss: lol
enkubiss: lmao
enkubiss: Salute Your Shorts
enkubiss: lol
SevenNchik: eeeeeeep!!!
enkubiss: yeah, it's good stuff
SevenNchik: omg i had a crush on Budnick or whatever his name was
enkubiss: lol...
enkubiss: are you serious?
SevenNchik: yes! lol
SevenNchik: and Pinsky
SevenNchik: haha
enkubiss: I forgot what he looks like
enkubiss: yeah, Pinsky!!!
SevenNchik: Bud had read hair
SevenNchik: and was the rebel
enkubiss: I obviously liked Dina
SevenNchik: oh of course
SevenNchik: Camp Anawana, we hold u in our hearts
enkubiss: and when we think about you...
enkubiss: It's I hope we never part, now get it right or pay the price!
SevenNchik: Ug!!
SevenNchik: lol
SevenNchik: he was funnaaaay
enkubiss: that's great!!
enkubiss: Kevin lee...
enkubiss: Ugh...
SevenNchik: yeah!
enkubiss: lol
SevenNchik: hahaha
enkubiss: oh, yeah, I remember Budnick, now!!!
SevenNchik: ya hehehe
SevenNchik: Budnick <3

Heh heh... I miss those shows so much. I loved Salute Your Shorts! Must get Noggin.

Bwahaha, check this out...

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