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Friday, Feb. 28, 2003

I swear I just sat in front of my computer for an hour and daydreamed. I was listening to Fiona Apple's When the Pawn and that CD seems to stimulate my mind or something. Most of my daydreamings were about Cookie. About a million scenarios ran through my head. It was extremely weird. Just as I was about to fall asleep, the last song finally ended and the next CD in my changer kicked in: "...Baby One More Time." As soon as the song started I felt like I had been woken from a trance or something. It was very surreal.

I stayed home from school today because I knew I wouldn't be missing anything. In Econ we were just going to do our usual section review, finish watching Hamlet in English, and work on our CECF scrapbook in DCT (I've already done my share), so I really had no reason for being at school today. Part of me wishes I had gone anyway because all I did this morning was mope around the house. This is actually the first day of school I've missed all year (not counting field trips).

I was so lonely last night. Of course I'm used to talking on the phone with Cookie every night, but he was out with his friends. I talked to them all online for a little while, and me and Cookie had a pretty good conversation considering all that had happened within the past 24 hours. I do miss him.

When I woke up this morning I checked my e-mail and he had written me something last night. When we were together, Cookie was never one to write me letters or anything, so this really surprised me. The boy can write! Everything he said had a big impact on me. I was crying by the time I finished reading it... "I love you, Erin. Forever. Even though it's not enough." ::tear:: What am I going to do...

Aww, look...

you are...

Which shipper couple are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I want to go to the mall today. I look so gross, though. I would take a shower and get pretty and all, but I have a spinning class at 5:45 p.m. and I don't want to have to get ready all over again, you know? So I think I'll just be a bum today. I'll go to the mall and look icky. No big deal. Everyone I know is in school right now, anyway, so I don't have to worry about seeing anyone I know. I've been wanting to buy some new clothes. I recently took a bunch of my clothes to Round Robin, and my closet is looking kind of scanty. I have plenty of winter clothes, but now that warmer weather is approaching I have to get some cute new summery things.

Last night I had my Weight Watchers meeting. So far my total weight loss is... drum roll, please... 8.8 pounds! Isn't that exciting? I have actually had a couple people tell me that they can see a difference. And the other day at work I realized that my pants didn't fit as snuggly as they used to. Hehehe. Soon I will have Britney's body... it's only a matter of time... (ya right!)

Justin and I were talking about Martha Stewart, and I found this so amusing that I had to share it...

SevenNchik: I love this how
SevenNchik: show*
enkubiss: at least you kept the w on there
enkubiss: i love this ho
SevenNchik: hahaha
SevenNchik: Martha is my ho
enkubiss: lol
SevenNchik: bwahaha

This weekend is the wrestling state competition. I wanted to go, but alas, I have to work. I really wanted to be there for Joe. I know he and I don't talk much anymore, but I still care about him a lot. He's a good kid. I hope he does well this weekend.

Now I'm off to attempt to make myself look decent, and then to the mall! Hopefully I will find some cute outfits! Ta ta!

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