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Spring Break... the Condensed Version
Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

Well, here it is. The entry you've all been waiting for... ha. Let's see, it's been, oh, two weeks since my last real entry (sounds like I'm in confession... Father, it has been two weeks since my last diary update...). My apologies. I've been super busy with school and work, not to mention that Spring Break was last week and I was busy partyin' it up... heh.

I know everyone's just dying to know what I did over the break (riiight), but it's all smooshed together, I'm having a hard time keeping my days straight. Let's just say I spent my days at the hell that is Target, and my nights... well, I don't remember much about the nights. Muahahaha. Kidding! No, really. I drank quite a bit, but I suppose that's alright. I hadn't been drunk since last summer! I went on a bit of a binge last week, but now that school has started back, I guess I'll get back into my non-drunken routine. Well, we'll see... depends on whether or not there is a party this weekend... ::evil grin::

A few of you have expressed interest in the crisis that is my love life. To be quite honest, I don't feel like talking about it. So there.

I will say this, though... my Alan has a Diaryland account now. Quite a good read if I do say so myself. Had me rolling on the floor laughing. But I suppose that's because I know who the two Charlatans are. Heh.

Prom is April 5. I can't believe it's almost here. I wasn't planning on going at all because I was just bitter about everything that's been going on, but yesterday Cookie and I decided we would go together after all. I'm extremely relieved, because I have to admit I was stressing about missing my Senior Prom. But it's all good now. I got my dress last night at Jessica McClintock (thanks LoLo for picking it out! Hehe). It's quite pretty, and the color looks really good against my skin. I've gotten really tan what with going to the tanning bed as well as the beach. Heh heh.

Well, I must be going. I still have a shit load of laundry to do, as well as homework. Cookie and I are going to go jogging later... maybe. I really need to work out. I swear I gained a zillion pounds over Spring Break... Anywho! Perhaps I'll write more later if I feel like it.

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