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Friday, Mar. 28, 2003

Wow. Now my Cookie has D'land account. Let's see... that makes about 5 people so far that I've influenced to start an online diary! Woot! Go me! I should get a Diaryland award for that or something.

Today in English we went to the library to work on our term papers (I'm doing mine on Biblical parallels in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe). I found so many books on C.S. Lewis, it was awesome! I am actually kind of excited to be writing this paper, it's all very interesting. Once I'm done with it, I'll post it so you can all read it (because I know everyone is just dying to! Ha!).

Speaking of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, I have awesome, exciting, surprising, incredible, wonderful news! Okay, some of you may remember the Chronicles of Narnia made-for-tv movies that came on PBS way back in the day. You may also know that I have been dying for a more modern version of any of those movies. Well... my wish is coming true! The are actually making a new version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe! ::squeee:: I am so excited!

And speaking of movies, The Last Unicorn movie is progressing a bit. Still scheduled for 2004, but coming along nonetheless. I really, really, really cannot wait for that one. I was obsessed with the cartoon when I was little, and I read the book earlier this year. Highly recommended to anyone who hasn't seen the 80s cartoon movie, or who has not read the book. Lovely story! Ohh! And Jonathan Rhys Meyers has been cast as Schmendrick the Magician. Hotty hot hot. Heh heh.

Sadly, I must get going, I have to be at The Hell Hole (haha Lauren) at 1:00 p.m. At least I'm Guest Service. Alrighty, til next time, adios!

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