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Great Job, Adam!
Monday, Mar. 31, 2003

This past weekend was somewhat of a bummer. I didn't do much other than go to work and write a paper. I worked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I was up insanely late Saturday night working on my Occupational Interest Manual for DCT (which, by the way, turned out quite nice). I wrote it on the occupation of a pharmacist, and actually learned a lot. I interviewed Tasha and found out a lot about her as well. She has wanted to be a pharmacist ever since she was in elementary school because her mom worked in a lab. You can read more about it here (of course I had to post my wonderful paper... heh heh).

On Sunday work drug by so slow. I kid you not when I say I stayed up entirely too late writing that OIM. I didn't wake up on time that morning and was thirty minutes late to work (yikes!), although it was okay because I was in the pharmacy with my Tasha and she doesn't get mad when I'm late. Muahahaha. I saw Raquel at Target that day. She was there with her boyfriend Jacob and friend Tyler (at least I think it was Tyler, I didn't get that good of a look). It's so weird seeing people that you used to go to school with after such a long time. They looked so different. Sometimes I miss University Christian... but then I smack myself back into reality and realize what a prison that school was and am thankful that I transferred to Wolfson. Ahem.

Last night my mom and I watched Maid in Manhattan. It was so good! Not as good as The Wedding Planner, although still very cute. I just love Jennifer Lopez. I think she is so beautiful. I only wish that she dressed more like her character in The Wedding Planner because she looks so classy in that movie. In real life she can come off a bit tacky and gaudy. Crazy celebrities. If I were a celeb, I'd dress classy all the time. I wish I really was famous. ::sigh::

Before we watched the movie last night, I went up to Target and met Lauren there. She had to buy some stuff and since Target is less than a minute away from my house, I thought I'd drop by. Alan was working, and we all stood outside talking for a while. Then the funniest thing happened...

As you all know from my previous entries, my managers are obsessed with getting Target Visa cards for the store. Whenever someone gets a guest to apply for a card, they announce it over the walkies. Well, last night Alan, Lauren and I heard "Next Target Visa goes to Adam. Great job Adam!" Lauren then yanks Alan's walkie from his pants (heh) and says (very loud might I add) "GREAT job Adam!" into the walkie. Then Alan said something along the lines of "Good job dude." Then a few others made some "good job Adam" comments, then I go "Woohoo Adam!" I think my favorite was when Rob said "Adam, you're my hero." Bwahaha. This continues on for like five minutes. It was frickin' hilarious.

Okay... I guess you had to be there to realize the funniness of the situation. Just a little Target humor. Ahem.

Today during first period we had the Prom Promise assembly. It was quite gruesome. They showed us a ton of disgusting photos of car accidents that people had while they were under the influence. Scary stuff. The end of the assembly was kind of cool, though. They had this new "hands on" thing they were trying. First every one gets into groups. Then you try to walk along a line of tape that's on the ground, like a cop would make you do to see if you've been drinking or not. After you do it once, they give you these crazy goggles to put on that distorts your vision. They're supposed to make you feel like you're drunk. Then they make you walk the line again. Let me tell you how funny that was... bwaaaahahaha. Nobody could do it. We were all laughing our asses off. Good stuff.

In second period (World Religions) we watched a video on the Holocaust. Oh. My. God. I was bawling right in the middle of class. That had to be one of the saddest documentaries I've ever seen. They had people telling their stories from when they had actually been in one of Hitler's Death Camps. It was sick. I knew that the Holocaust was a horrible thing (duh, who didn't know that), but I never knew that many details about it until we watched that video today. Geez, I want to cry just thinking about it. I really don't think I would have been able to live through something like that. Those people were really, really brave.

On Saturday Katie (my favorite supervisor at work) gave me my two year review! I can't believe I've been at Target that long! But anywho, she gave me my review and I scored pretty high. The highest you can get is Outstanding, and to get that you have to be FLAWLESS and get nothing but perfect scores (which is impossible). I got Excellent which is second highest. Go me! I was supposed to find out today what my pay raise is going to be, but they still haven't calculated my scores into the computer, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Tasha thinks that since I scored an Excellent I'll get at least a 50 cent raise, and plus she said she was going to mention to Katie that I should get paid a bit more because I work in the pharmacy now. Let's hope so. Heh heh heh. Money money money.

When my mom got home from work today, she came into my room and said she had a surprise for me. She handed me a bag, and I could tell there was a video in it. It was The Last Unicorn! I was so excited. You see, I had a copy of it from when I was little (because it was one of my favorite movies and I was OBSESSED with it, haha), but somehow it has turned up missing. I think maybe my little cousins have it. But anywho, I have been dying to have my own copy of it again, and she bought it for me! ::squee:: Oh lordy, I cannot wait until the live action version comes out. Too bad I have to wait until Christmas 2004. Hrmph!

Hmm... 9:37 p.m. Now it's off to bed, off to bed. Until next time kids... ciao.

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