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A Fat Crap Day
Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003

This is just so wonderful. I've read it a zillion times, and each time I find it so fascinating. It's really helping me with my term paper. We were in the library again in first period to get some more sources, and I was actually enjoying it. I'm so glad that we got to choose what book we were writing our papers on. C.S. Lewis rules.

Well, guys, I finally got my raise! Yesterday Katie typed up my review sheet and showed me how much I was getting. I got... drum roll, please... a 45 cent raise! Woot! I'm so excited. Hehehe. Money money money.

Oh, lordy. These past couple days have been HELL. I started my period today, but my cramps started yesterday at work, and it was HORRID. And as much as you like to think that we don't have periods, Alan, we do (we also pee and poo... aaahahahaha). And it is not fun. I really don't know what the dealy-o is. I never used to get cramps or any kind of pain when I was on my period, but the past couple months I have been having excruciating pain. This has got to be the worst period I've EVER had.


Today I presented my OIM in class. It was actually kind of cool because everyone was interested in it. Normally when we have class presentations they're always so boring. But I had a lot of people ask me questions about working in the pharmacy and whatnot. I was up at the front of the class for a good fifteen minutes. Heh heh. My fifteen minutes of fame. LOL.

I don't think I'm going to go to school tomorrow. In English all we're doing is going to the library again so I won't miss much, in World Religions we're finishing a video then doing the discussion questions (which I've already done, of course), and in DCT we are still finishing our presentations, and since I'm already done with mine it won't be a big deal if I don't show up. So there's really no reason for me to go to school tomorrow. Muahahaha.

The only problem is that when we are absent from school, the DCT (work program) rules say that we aren't allowed to go to work. Mrs. Thomas always says "If you're too sick to come to school, then you're too sick to go to work." I have no problems with this, except for the fact that they always bitch whenever someone calls in. But I feel like shit anyways, and I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. If I do go in to work, that'll make SEVEN DAYS IN A ROW that I've worked. That's just not cool at all. They take advantage of me. They really do. Bastards.

Lauren just called me. She's on her break at The Hell Hole. Poor thing has to close tonight. We both decided that today was a Fat Crap Day. Nothing good happened, we both felt like crap, and we felt fat. I really need to start working out more. Ugh...

Today I got my dress back (we had to get the top altered). It looks a lot better now. I am really excited about prom. I can't believe it's this Saturday! I'm also really happy that I get to go with Cookie. I haven't seen him in a long time! We always have so much fun when we hang out, and plus my girls Megan and Allie are going, so it's gonna be awesome!!!

Tasha let me borrow some of her bridal magazines (she is getting married sometime in the near future... not exactly sure when) so I could look at some of the up-do's to see how I want to do my hair for prom. I found a really pretty picture of Salma Hayek and she had a cool up-do. I'd give a link but I can't find the picture online. Anywho. I liked the front of Salma's hairdo (parted on the side with part swept behind the ears) but not the back. I found another random picture in a different magazine. The back of the hair looked sort of "ribbon-y." Somewhat curly, but not super curly. It's hard to explain. I'm sure all you girls know what I'm talking about. Not so sure about the guys... but whenever I get my prom pictures developed I'll figure out a way to get some of them online so you can all see! Too bad our scanner broke. We really need to get a new one...

I was reading The Lady Avi today, and I would like to share an exerpt from her diary:

What is it that makes people feel bad for doing things for themself? Why do we feel selfish when we want to go do what we want, damn it? I want to go out with my friends, hang out at the mall, go visit people, but I always tell myself I can't because it'll ruin someone else's schedule, such as work's or family's or something. Even when I eat or drink something I enjoy, I feel bad, 'cause I'm trying to get healthier or whatever. It's just driving me insane.

Preach it, sister! That's exactly how I feel most of the time.

My schedule has been so busy lately, I haven't had any time to read. Last quarter Mr. Curran's class (Econ) was so easy, and I always had free time to in there to read. But ever since this last quarter has started, all my classes have been busy, busy, busy. I still need to read the last three Chronicles of Narnia, and also The Return of the King. I can't wait until The Two Towers comes out on DVD. Ohhh, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets comes out next week! ::squeee:: That will tide me over unitl I can get TTT. Hehehe.

Alrighty, I suppose that's all I have to say for tonight. Have a good night everyone.

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