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The Oil Change Crisis
Friday, Apr. 04, 2003

I hate having divorced parents. I hate it. I always get stuck in the middle and have to choose sides whenever there's a fight. Let me give you a classic example...

A few months ago my dad asked my mom to get the oil changed in my Explorer (for those of you who don't know, it's actually my dad's Explorer but he is letting me drive it for right now). My mom procrastinated and never got the oil changed, but to keep my dad from getting angry, she lied to him and said that she did. She told me to just "play dumb" if it ever came up and to be like "oh yeah, Dad, Mom got the oil changed weeks ago." So we have had this huge lie going on for about 3 months now about having the oil changed.

Well, today Lauren and I were driving down Southside Blvd. and my dad called my cell phone. Here is how our conversation went:

Me: Hello?
Dad: Hey, Sweetie! What'cha doing?
Me: Driving down Southside.
Dad: Oh, really? Right near Touchton Road, huh?
Me: Yeah... wait a minute! How did you know I was right by Touchton?
Dad: Turn around.
Me: ::turns around:: Oh my gosh!
Dad: Yeah, I'm right behind you!
::Laughter ensues::

So anyways, I dropped Lauren off, then Dad and I go to get some things looked at on the truck (his initial intention of doing this was to check some of my gauges that have been kind of wacky lately). He called my mom while we were on our way to the service place and he was like "so you already got the oil changed, right?" and of course she said yes because she had lied about it so much as it is. After they hung up, my cell phone rang. It was my mom. She said "just play dumb about the oil, okay honey?" I did not know what to say. I mean, obviously they're going to find out that we haven't gotten it changed, right?

When we get to the car place, they go through the check list with my dad to see what all needs to be done. When they got to the oil changing, they checked the date on the last sticker (as I'm sure you all know, they put a sticker on the inside of your car with the date of the most recent oil change on it so you know when to go back and get it done again). Then Daddy-kins realized that we hadn't gotten the oil changed. "That bitch. That lying bitch. That lying fuckin' bitch." Oh my. He was really PO'd at Mommmy. He wasn't mad at me, thank God.

When we got back from getting the oil changed and whatnot, I called Mom to tell her that Dad knew. She somehow managed to turn it around and make it MY fault. I had offered to go get it done myself numerous times, but she was always saying, "oh no, hun, don't worry about it, I'll do it." So now it's my fault because it wasn't done. She actually yelled at me. Bitch.

Then I called Daddy back (heh heh) and cried about it to him, then he gave me some advice about how I can make the decision in life about the kind of person I want to be, and not to be influenced my my lying bitch of a mother. Hmm. Not the BEST advice I've ever gotten, but good advice nonetheless. We hung up and I calmed down a bit, then he called me back ten mintues later to make sure I was okay. Aww. I love my Dad. He can be a bit on the jerk-ish side sometimes, but as of late we have gotten along really well.

Well, I would write more but I have to go to spin class. There will be more to come about the rest of my day tonight. Peace out dudes.

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