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On Saturday
Monday, Apr. 14, 2003

Excellent... someone new has joined the cult. He shall be my right hand man: Justin! Very exciting, this is. Funny stuff... Weaveless Wonder... heh. I've been missing him these past few weeks. As you all know, we used to have our funny little conversations all the time...

SevenNchik: precious
enkubiss: coolness
SevenNchik: wonderfulness
enkubiss: cowabunganess
SevenNchik: squeeness
enkubiss: lochness
SevenNchik: lmao
enkubiss: lol


SevenNchik: hey Justin, get a Diaryland okay?
SevenNchik: I am starting a D'land cult
SevenNchik: you should join
enkubiss: lol
enkubiss: ok
SevenNchik: yay!
enkubiss: do I get any special priveleges?
enkubiss: or powers
enkubiss: in this cult
SevenNchik: hmm
SevenNchik: we shall see
enkubiss: lol
enkubiss: SCORE
enkubiss: ok, I'll start one
enkubiss: I'll try to get the Shelbster to join, too
enkubiss: she hardly ever goes online, though
SevenNchik: yeah! omg i had so much fun w/ y'all last night!
enkubiss: yeah, you did!!!
enkubiss: lol
enkubiss: jk
SevenNchik: heh
enkubiss: yeah, we had a lot of fun, too
enkubiss: you were soooooo cute
SevenNchik: lol no I wasnt
SevenNchik: well hey! i have to be at work in 30 and i still need a shizower!
enkubiss: ok... take a shizzit while you're at it
SevenNchik: aahaha
SevenNchik: fo rizzle muh nizzle
SevenNchik: aight
enkubiss: have a good dizzay, muh nizzay...
SevenNchik: i gotta peace out yo
enkubiss: love ya, don't work too hard
enkubiss: foh shizzle!!
SevenNchik: oh... I wont
SevenNchik: fo shizzle! true true
enkubiss: lol

As you can see ^ we hung out on Saturday night, and I got a little dr- wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll have to fill you in on ALL the details from my day. I must warn you, though, A LOT happened on Saturday, so this will probably be a tad long. Heh. Let me start from the beginning...

Saturday morning I went to UNF for an "early advising session." I'm still not quite sure why I was there. I mean, they had a bunch of the honors students there (which I am definitely not), and only a few "average" students (that's me!). Don't ask me why, but for some reason I received an invitation to come to this early session. I suppose it was a good thing.

The first thing we did while we were there was to take a couple placement tests to see what kind of classes would be best for us to take. First we took a math exam, which had mostly Algebra on it. While they were passing out the tests, I began to panic. I haven't had a math class all year long. I haven't done basic Algebra in almost 2 years! Needless to say, I didn't think I was going to do too well on this silly placement test of theirs. And I was right.

Later that day we got our scores back. I got 12 out of 25 questions correct. Let me just tell you how dumb I felt. I mean, here I am, surrounded by honors students and a few average students (who seemed a little above average if you ask me) and they just breezed right through it. I, on the other hand, stressed out and did horribly. The counselors suggested that I take Intermediate Algebra (which I wouldn't get any credit hours for) before moving on to "college level" math. The thing that really perturbs me is that I'm not stupid (really!) I was just a little rusty in math, that's all. If I were to sit down in a college math class, pay attention and take notes, then I'm sure I would pass. It was a bit difficult to explain this to my "academic advisor," but eventually Momma and I convinced her that I'm really not dumb, and I'm going to be taking some other kind of math... applied math or something, I can't remember the exact name of it. But at least I'll get credit for it.

After the horrifying math exam, we had to write an essay. Yay for essays! I know most people complain about writing them, but I like 'em! Heh. Call me crazy, I don't care. They passed out an article for us to read and gave us 20 minutes to gather our thoughts and write an argumentative essay on it. I think I did well.

When I got home from UNF, I had to go straight to work. I had been scheduled from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., but I told Tasha that I couldn't miss my advising session... thing. She said it would be fine for me to just come in when I was done. I arrived at Target around 2:15 p.m., and as I was walking towards the building, my LoLo was walking towards me, and she was crying! We went and sat in her car so we could talk. Everyone was giving her a hard time. You see, earlier in the week she had gotten a horrible migraine, so bad that the pressure made the blood vessels in her eyes pop! Eek! She had to go to the hospital and get acupuncture (it helps with the pressure or something), and that makes her very sick, so of course she called off of work! Well, the Bald Bitch (aka the Weaveless Wonder or the 2nd Charlatan) gave Lauren a really hard time about it. Their conversation went something like this:

Lauren: ::voice shaking because she is sick:: I'm not going to be able to come into work today.
The Bitch: Why not?
Lauren: I got a really bad migraine last night and had to go to the hospital.
The Bitch: Well, Lauren, from now on if you're going to call in to work, you don't have to disguise your voice to make it sound like you're actually sick.

The nerve of that woman! Can you believe she actually said that to my poor LoLo?! Grr. All's well, though, because Lauren's mom was with her while she was making the phone call, and she heard what the evil bitch said to her daughter. Her mom took the phone and proceeded to bitch out the Weaveless Wonder. Muahahaha. Justice is served.

But anyway, back to the story...

Lauren and I are sitting in her car, and she's telling me that everyone is giving her a hard time about calling in, and now they're trying to make her go out and get "Bullseyes" (aka Target Visas) instead of doing what she is scheduled to do (Guest Service). Not only that, she had also been stuck on a freakin' lane for a majority of the day. Urgh! Why do they do that? Ashley can tell you all about the horrors of being on a lane... haha. After she calmed down a bit, we went inside. She got to stay at GS and I went to the pharmacy and played with my Tashy!

I love working with Tasha. She is the greatest pharmacist ever. Heh. I'm trying to turn her on to LOTR and HP, because she doesn't usually like "that sort of thing." But she actually asked me to bring her both movies so she could watch them, so tomorrow I'm taking them to work for her to borrow. Woohoo! Speaking of Tasha, I had the funniest dream about her last night: They hired a new pharmacist because Tasha was going to a different store to work, and the new pharmacist was very mean! I was so sad. Haha. Silly dreams.

After work, I came home and took a shizower (hahaha) because Lauren, Alan, Drew and I were going out to dinner together. Lauren and Alan came to my house, then we drove up to Target to pick up Drew (he was working, so he was going to take his break and go eat with us). Turns out the wait for Longhorn was pretty long, so Drew ended up going back to work before we were even seated! Poor Drewbs! But we enjoyed his company while we were waiting. Haha. The reason we went out to eat was because Lauren wanted to buy Alan dinner for his birthday. Sneaky Lauren told one of the waitors that it was Alan's birthday, and near the end of dinner we noticed a lot of the staff swarming around our table. Then they started clapping and singing! Aaahaha, it was so funny. I've never seen him blush so much, lol. I love when they sing to you on your birthday at restaurants. Hahaha.

Now this is where things got complicated. You see, Lauren and I had been planning on having a surprise party for Alan on Saturday night. Cake, ice cream, beer... the whole shebang. Well, turns out that it's his SISTER'S birthday Saturday, so I didn't want to have a party for him on his sister's special day. Plus the fact that I hadn't heard anything from Kurt, Cindy, Charlie, or Nicole (close friends of Alan's) about having a party for him, so Lauren and I decided that things fell through and there wasn't going to be a party for Alan after all. Boy were we wrong.

During dinner Nicole called me asking me what time Lauren and I were bringing Alan over, and if we could "pitch in" to help with the keg. Let me tell you how surprised we were! I didn't know what to say. I mean, I don't have the money to pay for a keg, plus the fact that we were planning on going to his sister's birthday party. That was our plan for the night. Not a party at Kurt and Cindy's apartment with a keg. No no no.

Well, we ended up having to tell Alan what was going on because it was too hard trying to keep it from him any longer, especially since we were going to have to juggle two parties in one night! He was really appreciative to me and Lauren for the cake, and for attempting to do something for him. Haha. We decided to cut the cake at my house, go to his sister's party for a while, then go to his "surprise" party. Heh. I was still a little shaky about this, though, and I was wrong to think it would work out "just fine." Very wrong.

We stopped by K&C's apartment first because I was under the impression that they were all waiting on us. Wrong. The keg hadn't even arrived when we got there, and everyone seemed pissed at Lauren and me for ruining the surprise. Gah! But we were the ones who wanted to do the surprise party in the first place! Not them... US! So to make a long story short, Lauren and me looked like idiots in front of A LOT of people, and we both wanted to go home. We left K&C's for a while to make an appearence at Alan's sister's party. Alan's dad had made some Hunch Punch (fruit punch with a heck of a lot of alcohol in it), and I was so stressed out that I started to chug it. And chug it. And chug it. I've never gotten so drunk so fast before. Heh. We called Justin and Shelby (Shelby is Justin's girlfriend who also works at Target... go Target *woop*woop*) and they came to Alan's house.

We were all sitting outside, and Alan was on the phone with Cindy. They were arguing about what had happened earlier because he was mad that Lauren and I had been made out to look like asses. After listening to them fight for a while, I took the phone and smoothed things over with Cindy. It was all just a matter of miscommunicaiton. It's a good thing I'm so rational (heh), or else who knows how the night would've turned out. Alan probably wouldn't have gone back to his own birthday party. Haha. Then the five of us went back over to K&C's.

After hanging out at K&C's for a while, I had a funny little chat with Justin and Shelby (I kept calling them Jelby and Shustin because I was so trashed, lol, ask Alan, I did it like 5 times). They are so nice! I love you guys, really!! Then Alan and I took a little trip to some dock (I don't really know what the name of it was, county dock or something) and hung out for a while. We had a really, really nice conversatoin. ::ahem::

Then we headed back to K&C's. I passed out on the couch around 3 a.m., and woke up at 5 a.m.! Alan took Lauren and me back to his house, and us two girls slept in his bed. Next morning he took me back to my truck (which was at K&C's), I went home, and then went to work. It goes without saying that I was hurtin' at work. Ughhh.

Later that evening Momma and Brian grilled out, and Granny and PaPa came over. Cookie even stopped by for a while! I was so happy to see him because I hadn't seen him since prom night! We watched a bit of Harry Potter and the chamber of Secrets, then he went home around 7:30 p.m. because I was DEAD tired.

So ends my hectic weekend. I suppose I could have condensed it a bit, but where's the fun in that? Y'all want details, right? Okay, I guess that many details aren't really necessary. I was just in a writing mood. Hehe. But now that I've gotten all that out, I must go on to do my wretched homework. God, I can't wait until school gets out. Only 29 days left (that's counting weekends and such)! I really cannot wait! But alas, all of my teachers are giving us a shit load of work to do before then... but it's okay... it'll all be worth it come graduation day! Peace out yo!

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