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A Lot of Not Nice Things
Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2003

What a shitty day I've had, and it's only 1:20 p.m.! I am not looking forward to the rest of my day, no no no. It always seems like whenever I'm having a bad day, it only gets worse. And on the good days, they only get better. I can't just find a happy medium and have a regular day once in a while. Nope. It's always one end of the spectrum or the other.

The day started off EARLY this morning, around 1:30 a.m. I was roused from my sleep by the ring of my cell phone. It only rang for a bit, then stopped. A few minutes later, it rang again, and hung up yet again. I got really pissed, and rolled over to see who had called me: Cookie. Of course I knew something was wrong if he was calling me at this hour, so I forced myself to call him back.

He had read my previous entry and was none too happy. When I asked him why he kept calling and hanging up, he said that he wanted to leave me a voicemail saying to check my e-mail in the morning, but he didn't want to wake me up, so he kept hanging up when he heard it ring. Logical, I suppose. But he still woke me up. So here I am, 1-something in the morning, dead tired, and I'm trying to calm the Cook'ster down. I really felt horrible. He told me what the e-mail said, and to sum it all up, it was a lot of not nice things.

Then he mentioned something about wanting to go for a drive, or maybe a walk. He also mentioned that he had some alcohol left over from a party this past weekend. He sounded a bit drunk at the time being, and the fact that he had more didn't make me very happy. I got really worried, and I kept telling him not to go anywhere, and especially not to drive anywhere. "Like you care," he kept saying. Ouch.

By this point I felt even shittier than I had at the beginning of the conversation. I was trying my hardest to convince him to stay home, and he kept acting like I didn't really care whether or not he went out. We finally hung up around 2:15-ish I think, because I said that I couldn't talk about it anymore, especially since I had school in the morning. He then went on to say that I only talk to him when it's convenient for me. So of course I felt even worse, but hey, I had to get some sleep.

When I woke up this morning I was tired as hell, but managed to drag myself out of bed and get to school. Only problem was, I was running a bit late. It was my third tardy of this grading period, so I got a freaking tardy referral! I have to go to detention or something! I NEVER get detention. I'm one of the good ones, damnit. Gah! Then Mrs. Quinn goes on to tell us that the test that was scheduled for Thursday is being moved to TODAY, which means I didn't study for it. Ugh. Why would she do that? Why? I swear, what with being worried about Cookie, my referral, and now the stress of having not studied for a test, I was about 2 seconds from walking out of first period. But I sucked it up, took the test, and finised out the day.

I would tell you how the rest of the day went, but I'm running out of time. I have a National Honor Society meeting at 2:30 p.m., so I have to leave in a bit to go back to hell - I mean school. Yeah. Then I have to go to work. I get to meet the new pharmacy tech today (yes, we actually hired someone new!) so that's kind of exciting. I just hope she's cool, and isn't a bitch to me. Haha. Let's just get it straight that I'm the only cute pharmacy chick around here... heh heh. I'll write more later and tell you how it goes later on tonight.

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