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On the Prowl
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2003

Devon (who has a lovely new layout, I might add) IM'd me yesterday...

HeyNowGirl4: erin honey what on earth is going on? everyone's diaries are all sad and mean! tell me why! (aint nothin but a heartache...)

Ain't it the truth! It made me happy that she was concerned, and plus the added Backstreet Boys lyric was a pick-me-up. Thanks hun! You are awesome! We have to hang out some time soon!

And she isn't the only one who has voiced some concern. Ashley S. (you might need to get the password for her diary) wrote an entire entry in my defense, and so did Cookie. And Ashley M. wrote a lil sumthin sumthin for me as well to avoid any rumors being spread. Thank you all! I was feelin' the love.

Lauren and I talked last night, and everything is straight. Turns out she was never really mad at me to begin with, she was just mad at Alan (hahaha). She was in a bad mood at work, and didn't really feel like talking about it, so everyone was confused. But now we are not confused, and we are the amazing Adorable Duo once again. Heh. Now that I know everything is fine, I'd like to tell y'all about the day me and Lauren had Friday...

She had spent the night with me the night before, so when we got up we went right to the beach (Cabana Club at Ponte Vedra to be exact... haha). When we got there, though, the parking lot was entirely full! There was NOWHERE to park! We were told to go to the Marriott at Sawgrass, park there, then ride the shuttle bus back to the CC. At first this did not sound fun, but in the end it was well worth it...

I parked my truck, then we walked up to the hotel. It was HUGE. We felt rich. Muahahaha. It was a nice feeling. We didn't really know where we were supposed to go, and I guess we looked a bit confused. This was when the nice, tall, super-model-ish valet guy approached us and asked if we needed any help. Heh. We told him we were looking for the shuttle bus, and he told us where to wait for it. "You guys can just stay here and swim at our pool if you want," he said. ::sigh:: But, we wanted our free food at the CC, so we had to decline his tempting offer.

A few minutes later the shuttle bus arrived and we went on our merry little way to the CC. We ate lunch there, and then we went and chilled on the beach for a while. There were SO many people there, it was ridiculous. No wonder there was not parking. Sheesh! We left after a couple hours, and once again we boarded the shuttle bus.

We arrived back at the Marriott, and decided that we wanted to continue feeling rich, so we walked around the hotel a bit. We didn't see our valet guy outside, so we figured he had gone home. Nope. As we were walking past the front desk, there he was! "Just got back from the beach, huh ladies?" Heh. We wandered around a lil more, then when we were walking out he made eye contact with Lauren and me, and she was brave enough to wave, and he waved back. Hahaha, we are too silly. Darn those cute valet guys.

We were driving down A1A on the way home, and while we were stopped at a red light Lauren said "Ooh, look!" I looked to my right, and there was a construction site for some new fancy Ponte Vedra home. On the roof of the house there was a nice looking construction guy. Heh. When the light turned green, we honked the horn, and once again Lauren waved! He waved back! Bwahahaha. "I'm on the prowl today!" she said. Darn those cute construction guys.

Continuing on home, we were driving down JTB. Lauren, being on the prowl, was keeping a lookout for hot guys. She pointed out two guys in a Jeep that were fast approaching from the rear. Jeep guys. Heh. As they were passing us, Lauren reached over and honked my horn! They both turned around, and as they were driving away we saw a satisfied look on their faces, sort of a ::yeah, we know we're hot:: look. Hahaha. It was great. When we were getting off JTB, we honked once again, and we got a wave. Darn those cute Jeep guys.

After our aggressive hunt for males came to a halt, we decided to stop by the mall and get some Mocha Freezers from Barnie's. ::Mmm, Mocha Freezer:: We shopped around a bit, and Lauren got a really cute skirt from AE, as well as a shirt. Wonderful! More clothes for me to borrow. Muahahaha. I found a REALLY cute black halter shirt at the Gap that had little white flowers on it, and I SO would have gotten it, but... it was thiry-something dollars, and I think that's a bit pricy for a shirt. I'm sure it will be marked down sooner or later. ::crosses fingers::

After the mall, Lauren had to go home because I had to be at work (6-10). Bleh. I worked in the pharmacy for the last hour with Kevin (the other pharmacist at our store), and after that I was stuck up front on a lane. Ughhh, I loathe being on a lane. It's horrible. I'm always in such a bad mood when I'm stuck up there. Grr. Alan was closing that night, though, and so was Shelby, so they made it a little less unbearable. Haha.

After work, Alan, Shelby, Justin and I went to a parTAY. I didn't feel like drinking, though (I'm taking a break for a while after last weekend...) so I just chilled and had a pretty good time. I saw Crystal Parker there, an old acquaintance from UC. I wonder how she came to be there. She made a comment about Justin, something like "You're Raquel's brother, what are YOU doing here?" (For those of you who don't know, she was surprised to see him because Raquel has a great reputation for being a "good girl" - nothing wrong with that - and so heaven forbid that she or her brother go to a PARTY... ew). Sort of thought that was rude. Justin can go wherever he wants to. And so can Raquel. Damnit. Speaking of Raq, she updated for me! Woohoo! Props girly.

The next day I had to work 12-5, and guess where I was scheduled? ON A LANE. I swear, if this keeps up I'm just going to walk out one day. They treat me like crap at that job, and I practically run the place. Haha. They use me and abuse me, because they know I'm too nice to say no. According to my availability, I'm only supposed to work 20 hours a week, but look at my schedule for the next two weeks:

Sunday 4/20 - Store closed (Easter)
Monday 4/21 - 2:00-7:00 pharmacy
Tuesday 4/22 - 1:00-7:00 pharmacy
Wednesday 4/23 - 2:00-7:00 pharmacy
Thursday 4/24 - 1:00-5:00 Guest Service, 5:00-7:00 pharmacy
Friday 4/25 - 1:00-5:00 Guest Service
Saturday 4/26 - 12:00-5:00 Cashier

Sunday 4/27 - Off
Monday 4/28 - 2:00-7:00 pharmacy
Tuesday 4/29 - 1:00-7:00 pharmacy
Wednesday 4/30 - Off
Thursday 5/1 - 3:00-7:00 pharmacy
Friday 5/2 - 2:00-7:00 pharmacy
Saturday 5/3 - 11:00-6:00 pharmacy
Sunday 5/4 - 11:00-3:00 pharmacy

Is it just me, or is that a little ridiculous? I don't know what the hell is wrong with them. Urgh. Target is evil. There's no way in hell I'm working that schedule. These are my last few weeks of high school, and I'm going to enjoy them, damnit. I will not work that many days. No no no.

On a lighter note, today is Easter! The Easter Bunny (aka Mommy) was very good to me. My Easter basket contained a $50 gift certificate to the mall, some Peterbrooke chocolate covered popcorn, and a six pack of Smirnoff Ice! In my Easter basket! Hahaha, how crazy is that? Easter Bunny Mommy knows what Erin likes...

Well, I've gotta get going, we're going to my aunt's house for a big family... thing. What fun. I can't wait (sense the sarcasm in my voice?). But it's all good. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter! Cheers!

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