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The Evils of Target Pharmacy
Monday, Apr. 21, 2003

Justin, honey, your diary's getting a little... tacky. You too, Alan. Now I know you're into learning the HTML and all, but c'mon... you're going to get kicked out of the cult if this keeps up. LoL. You know I'm just messin' with you guys. ::ahem::

I know I already said this in my last entry, but this year's Easter was not fun for me AT ALL. For the past two years I've spent Easter with my dad, and I was supposed to do the same thing this year. I was planning on driving to St. Augustine to see him after work on Saturday, and then we were going to go to the "sunrise service" (you get up super early, go to the beach, watch the sunrise, then they have a church service on the beach, it is AWESOME!). Well, Friday night when I got home from work, Dad called me and told me that our plans for the weekend "blew up." In other words, he didn't want me to come anymore. I was really upset, because I had been looking forward to going for the past week or so. And the thing that really burns me up is that the only reason he did this was because he had a fight with his girlfriend, Toni.

I swear, my Dad's relationship with Toni rules his life. I can tell he doesn't even like her that much, it's more of a "security" thing, plus the fact that he doesn't have anyone else to really hang out with other than her. Don't get me wrong, I love Toni, but c'mon now. If having a fight with your girlfriend influences you to un-invite your daughter to your house for Easter, I think that's a little fucked up.

So last night, Lauren came over, and Alan had rented some movies and he was going to bring them over later. While I was on the phone with him, I was talking about what a crappy day I'd had, and I completely lost it. I had a good little cry (trust me, I needed it), and my Lauren was right beside me to make me feel better. We came to the conclusion that there is one single source as to why I've been so bummed out lately:


Let me explain. You see, earlier this year I was on Weight Watchers. I was eating good, and plus I had joined Cory Everson's Fitness for Women, and so I worked out quite a bit. I had, believe it or not, lost about 9 or 10 pounds, and I was so happy about it. So I was having a pretty good life, losing weight, going to the gym, eating healthy... then my Target schedule completely fucked me in the ass (pardon my profanity, but that's really how I feel right now).

Being on the work program, I used to go to work at 1:00 p.m. and work until 5:00 p.m. I'd then proceed to the gym and workout until 7:00 p.m. or so, come home, eat a healthy dinner, do some homework, and get to bed at a reasonable hour. But lately, as most of you know, the Target pharmacy has been having some issues. We don't have a full-time tech, so this screws me over. We occasionally have other techs from other stores come in to help, but for the most part it's Tasha and me back there ALL THE TIME. People always say, "Just get someone else to cover your shifts once in a while." If only! Too bad I'm the only person in the store who Tasha lets count pills, and really knows how to work the computer. I wish she would start to train Ashley and Emily a bit more, because they cashier back there every so often. Don't they understand that this is ruining my life! Gah!

So my point being, I have to come in to work at my usual 1:00 time, but I have to stay until 7:00 (or later) because I'm in the pharmacy. I know that isn't THAT late to work, but when I get off at that time, I don't have enough time to workout, eat dinner, and do homework. I usually end up going straight home, eating something unhealthy for dinner, and staying up later than I usually do doing homework. I feel so fat. Bleh.

I'm so pissed off right now. And I hate to complain, because I'm really not working that many hours, but I work almost EVERY DAY. It's very draining. Plus I have no time to myself. I just want my old 1-5 shifts back.

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