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Thursday, Apr. 24, 2003

I think I'm a pretty good person. I try my best to make other people smile, I do good in school, and I do my job well. Why, then, do all the shitty things happen to me?

A few weeks ago I got a tardy referral from Ms. Quinn. I used to like her, but lately she has been such a bitch. Well, I was supposed to have detention because of the damn thing, but of course I can't go to after school detention because I'm in the work program! Hello! So instead of doing the detention, I have to do two days of ISSP (in school suspension). It's so gay, I mean, I'm not a bad student, I'm one of the best students in the whole fucking school, so why do I have to do this? It serves no purpose, it only gets me out of class which in turn hurts my grade because I get a zero for the day.

So I was in ISSP today. It wasn't too terribly bad, and I got some makeup work done, so there was an upside. The day was actually going alright. But then, when I was leaving school, I saw something on my car. That's right folks. It was a notice saying they took away my parking decal. WHAT. THE. FUCK. I don't know what they hell I'm going to do now, because I can't drive to school. Sure, if I went to school for the full day, it wouldn't be a problem. I'd just catch a ride with Ben. Too bad I'm in the work program and none of my friends leave at the same time I do! Gah!

So yeah, I'm driving home, almost in tears because I'm so pissed off, and I decide I want some comfort food. I stopped by Hardee's to get a milkshake for lunch. I don't usually go to Hardee's (ever) but since it was on the way, I thought, "What the hell? Why not?" So I ordered my milkshake, waited for it, and the guy comes back like 5 minutes later only to tell me that their milkshake machine isn't working. It isn't working?! What are the odds? So now I have one more day of ISSP, no decal, and no milkshake.

This day can't possibly get any worse. Oh, wait. I have to be at work in thirty minutes. I guess it can.

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