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Medicine Head
Sunday, May. 11, 2003

Sorry I haven't written in so long. The past few weeks have been rough and I couldn't ever find the right time to sit down and write an entry. I tried a couple of times, but Diaryland was being gay and wouldn't let me in because it was so busy! Popular place, this Diaryland is. Anywho, I am in no mood to type a "real" entry, so you'll just have to settle for the condensed version of the past week...

Last full week of school. Teachers all being bitches. Final exams tomorrow and Tuesday. Then finally... freedom. Hallelujah.

Visited my poor LoLo a couple times. She got into a car accident last monday. Cracked kneecap, torn pcl and unaligned pelvic bones. Read her diary for more details. V. v. sad.

Work sucks more than usual. We finally get a full-time tech in pharmacy and Tash tells me they had to "send her home," and she might not be back. Very confused. No one explains anything to me. This means more work for poor, stressed out Erin. Tash is being a real bitch. On a day when I was scheduled til 5 at GS, she told me she needed me to stay in pharmacy til 7, and she said "I'm not asking, Erin, I'm telling." What a meany. Had long heart-to-heart with Katie and she is going to lay the smack down on Tash for saying that to me, and make sure I don't get shitty hours this summer.

Went to Larry's Giant Subs a lot. Friend from work tells me I have a fan club there. The Larry's guys love me v. much. Too bad they will never have the pleasure... muahahaha.

Cookie and I had an adventure Friday evening. Got pierced. It was sweet.

Woke up Sat. morning with sore throat. Developed into v. v. sore throat Sat. night, even worse Sun. morning. Stayed home all day today. Very bleh. Took sleepy medicine and slept the day away. Extremely groggy.

So that was my weekend. I'll go into more detail about the pharmacy thing in my next entry, but right now I'm going back to bed.

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