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Evil Genious
Friday, Jun. 06, 2003

The Mtv Movie Awards were last night, and I thought they were freakin' hilarious, and the comic book/super hero them was pretty cool. Justin and Seann were so funny and cute! My favorite part of the show was when Justin was beat boxing and Seann kept going "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah... I'm throwin' it down... yeah yeah yeah." Lmao. I absolutely loved T.A.T.U.'s performance, they rock! And oh my goodness, all the guys were so gorgeous, too! Colin Farrell looked so great, and when he presented I about died because of his accent, hehe. Irish accents are the BEST! There was also Harrison Ford, Ashton Kutcher, Josh Hartnet, of course Justin and Seann, Luke Wilson, Jason Biggs, Hugh Jackman... oh my goodness. The teeny bopper in me is rearing it's ugly head! I have to stop talking about all these beautiful men...

The Two Towers won a lot of awards, including Best Onscreen Team (Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, and Gollum), Best Virtual Performance (Gollum), Best Action Sequence (The Battle of Helms Deep) and of course Best Movie. I about died when Gollum won Best Virtual Performace. For those of you who didn't see it, Andy Serkis was receiving the award, but then Gollum came out, snatched the award from him, and went on to cuss everyone out. Oh my gosh it was so funny! Hehehe, I heart Smeagol.

Justin and I talked the other day for the first time in almost a month. Thank goodness all that retarded stuff is over.

The other day I was getting in the shower and I realized a frog was in my bathroom! It wasn't one of the ugly fat frogs, but the cute little tree frogs that stick on your windows. Anywhoozle, I chased him out of the bathroom so I could take my shower, and was going to find him and take him outside later. Well, I forgot to put him outside, and the next day when I was going to shower, there he was again! I named him Wilbur and decided to just let him chill since he seemed to like my bathroom so much. I was looking for him this morning, but he seems to have escaped. I hope Wilbur turns up soon.

Oiy! There is a major crisis going on with the Sisters. Everyone is mad at eachother. We even had someone quit the Sisterhood! So sad. I feel bad for the council because there have been a lot of attacks made on them. I know they all put a lot of work into the site, especially Ivy (whom I adore) and I hope everything gets smoothed over quickly.

I talked to Joe online this morning for a little while, and we had a pretty nice conversation. We've made plans to go see a movie together, although we're not quite sure when we're going to go. He has a wrestling tourny that is going to last about a week, plus he is working a lot, but hopefully we will be able to hang out soon. I miss him!

I had a funny chat with Ashley last night about how I'm going to take over the world using my Liv Tyler like qualities...

SevenNchik: I have no idea what field im going to be in
ASHLEYpinkP: really
SevenNchik: ya
ASHLEYpinkP: you are so smart... you will figure something great out
SevenNchik: I've just got my mind set on taking over Target Corp
SevenNchik: then...
SevenNchik: THE WORLD
SevenNchik: muahaha
ASHLEYpinkP: oh my lord
SevenNchik: im going to be an evil genious
ASHLEYpinkP: you
ASHLEYpinkP: are
ASHLEYpinkP: insane
ASHLEYpinkP: lol
ASHLEYpinkP: liv like tho
SevenNchik: yes, thats how I'll take over
SevenNchik: seduce the men with my liv-likeness
ASHLEYpinkP: call it.....Erins LIV LIKE WORLD
ASHLEYpinkP: or somethin to that effect
SevenNchik: muahahaha
ASHLEYpinkP: i am sleep deprived.... dont laugh at me ok lol
SevenNchik: hehe
ASHLEYpinkP: i said dont laugh :-(

Geez, we have some odd conversations late at night. I think we were both a little sleep deprived, Ash!

Today was payday, and I just got back from the mall. I need to stop spending so much money. I guess it doesn't matter all that much, though, because I just got so much $$ for graduation. I got some new eyeshadow from Clinique, three pairs of boy short underwear from Vicoria's Secret, and two really cute shirts from the Gap (one is bright orange, and the other is hot pink, they make me look really tan, mreh heh).

I am off this weekend, thank goodness. I finally have time to spend with Cookie. Every time I get an opportunity to see him, something crazy happens and I don't get to. I was going to see him yesterday, but I did Tasha a huge favor and went in to work for a few hours even though I wasn't sceduled (we have a big review coming up this Tuesday, and I was helping her clean up the pharmacy). I wasn't going to be able to see him today, either, because I was going to go to my little cousins' dance recital, but I ended up not going, so hopefully I'll be able to see him tonight! ::crosses fingers::

Well, I'm gonna go and try Darrin's Dance Grooves (yes, I actually bought it today... I'm so embarassed). I'll be one step closer to being like Britney Spears... muahahaha...

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