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Pizza Rant
Saturday, Jun. 07, 2003

This whole thing with the Sisters is completely insane. I know I'm not the most involved Sister, but I like knowing that I can always go there and chit chat with girls who share a common interest, LOTR. But for the past few days everything has been in turmoil. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened. Something about a misunderstanding between Ivy and Phoebe. I must say, I don't really know Phoebe, but I do know Ivy and I don't think she would ever do anything to intentionally hurt another Sister. ::sigh:: I just wish things would get back to normal. That way I wouldn't feel so bad about making a post about all the awards TTT won at the Mtv Movie Awards (I'm still very excited about that). Right now it would just seem out of place.

It's pouring rain right now, and it's very dark. I rather like it. It matches my mood. I've done nothing all day but sit on my butt and watch the Even Stevens marathon on the Disney Channel. I am v. v. bored, and for some reason I am having a grouchy outlook towards everything right now. I need some cheering.

I read on Devon's diary that Shaun and Eric are in town, and that after their grandmother's party they probably won't have anything to do. I don't think I'm doing anything later (hint hint). Well, actually Mom had mentioned going over to Granny and Papa's house later, which, coincidentally, is within about three block's of Devon's house. ::ahem::

I went over to Cookie's house last night for a bit, but before we went to his house we stopped by Little Caesar's to pick up a couple pizzas for his parents and ourselves. When we got there, we ordered one cheese and one pepperoni pizza. The RUDE girls at the counter told us that they would have to make some cheese pizzas and we'd have to wait a while, which was fine. After about twenty minutes (it does not take that long to made a damn cheese pizza) we got our pizzas and left. When we got back to his house and opened the pizza boxes, we realized that they had given us two pepperoni! Now, I could have cared less if I got cheese or pepperoni, but just the fact that we waited twenty minutes for them to make a cheese pizza and they gave us two pepperoni instead... I was so mad. But soon we will get our vengence. You see, Cookie just got a job as assistant manager at that same Little Caesar's (Brendan hooked him up with the job) so he will lay the smack down on those evil rude people. Muahaha.

Wow, that was a long rant about pizzas. Heh.

Last night after the pizza fiasco, Cookie and I hung out at his house for a while, and then we went to IHOP and met up with Rob, Honkey, Stemepho and a few others. Cookie has some good friends. I enjoy hanging out with them. I'm really glad that Rob and I are talking again, too. He began to hate me during the time that Cookie and I were broken up, but now that Cookie and I are back together, Rob is being nice again. Hehe Rob reminds me so much of Gimli, I just want to toss him. Hehehe.

Oh my goodness, I can't wait til ROTK comes out. I want to see hot Viggo and Orly fighting and being all gorgeous. ::wipes drool from mouth:: Sorry 'bout that. Must compose myself.

I need to figure out what I'm going to do about Wilbur. I like having him around. I mean, this silly little shower frog is the closest thing I've had to a pet in years. I sort of want to keep him. But if I keep him he will surely die from lack of nourishment. I want to take him outside so he can eat some bugs, but then I might lose him forever. I suppose the logical thing to do is to set Wibur free. I'm gonna miss the little guy.

Bored bored bored. I want to go out and do something but I don't feel like getting all readied up. Plus it's pouring rain and I don't particularly feel like getting wet. What a drab day.

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