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More Anxiety
Monday, Jun. 09, 2003

Today I had to work from 10-7. I stayed up exremely late last night reading, and only got about 5 hours of sleep (which is definitely not enough sleep for me), so I was very tired this morning. I went in about 15 minutes late (Tash never cares if I'm late long as it's within thirty minutes or so) and began working. Everything started out fine, but then my body decided to go psycho on me.

First I began to feel very nautious. Then came the hot flashes, and the dizzy spells. I was having another one of those damn attacks again! It gets especially scary when my breathing gets erratic. I honestly do not know what causes this crap. I took some blood tests when this happened a few months ago, but they didn't show anything irregular. For about the first three hours of work today, I must've made at least ten trips to the restroom. Good golly, I felt bad. Tasha made me go buy some Ginger Ale to settle my tummy (it helped a little) and she also let me take my lunch before her (she never ever lets me do that) so I could get something on my stomach. I thought it would've been nice and courteous of her to tell me to go home considering I'm having some sort of anxiety problem, and plus I couldn't stay standing for five minutes without having to rush my nautiated self to the bathroom, but nooooo... Melissa even worked tonight, so she could've let me go home at 3 when Melissa arrived, but did she? No. Well poo on her. I hope she gets nautious at work tomorrow. See how she likes it...

I've been calling Lauren for the past few days, and she doesn't seem to want anything to do with me anymore. She did call me back yesterday and left me a message. When I returned her call, she said that she would call me back in five minutes because she was almost at her house. Did she ever call me back? Nope. Sort of upsetting, the person I used to consider my best friend no longer gives me the time of day. ::sigh::

Allie gets back from France tomorrow! Yay! I can't wait to see her and hear all about her gallivanting in Europe. Hehe.

I had a dream last night about Wilbur. Well, actually I was somewhere with Devon and I had brought Wilbur along for some reason. By the end of the dream, everyone convinced me that the best thing to do was to set him free. Guess that's a sign that I should save the poor little fellow. Tomorrow will be the day. Freedom for Wilbur!

I finished reading The Last Battle (the final book in The Chronicles of Narnia series) last night. Oh my good gracious, if you have not read those books, I pity you. I was literally bawling as I read it. It has sort of a happy ending, but it still brought a few tears to my eyes. Ashley, you know what I'm talking about! I wish I could be as creative as C.S. Lewis was and think up a place like Narnia and write enchanting yet humorous stories like that... ::pouts::

Tomorow night I'm going bowling with my honey and his crew! Yay! I love hanging out with them.

Well, 'tis getting late. Goodnight all.

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