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Do Not Neglect Your Erin
Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2003

I released Wilbur back into the wild yesterday. I knew I had to, but I really wish I could've kept him. I know, I know... it's not logical to keep a frog as a pet, but I can't help it. I became attached. As I picked him up to take him outside, his little froggy fingers latched onto my right index finger. It was the cutest thing. While I was carrying him through my house towards the back door, I could see the terror in his big bulging eyes. He hadn't a clue what was going on. I went outside, kneeled down, and nudged him off my finger into the grass. For a while he just sat there, but he hopped away after a while. I hope he's doing okay.

Cookie and I found our song. We have had sort-of-songs in the past, such as "Your Body is a Wonderland" and "The Dolphin's Cry," but neither of those was really the one. But we found it. "Remember" by BT. It's got to be one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Plus it's techno, and I dig that, because until got to know Cookie, I didn't really listen to that kind of music. But now I do, and I love it, and I love Cookie!

Last night Megan and I drove out to the airport to meet Allie as she was getting off her plane. We were both very excited because we hadn't seen her in almost three weeks, and we couldn't wait for her to tell us about her trip. Funny thing is, she didn't seem all that happy to see us. I know she was tired, but all we got was a lethargic "thanks for coming" and and half hug. You know, the kind of hugs that are from the side and aren't even real hugs. She just put her arm around us for a second or to. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I know that if I went away to another country for almost a month, I'd be ecstatic if my two best friends were there to greet me at the airport when I returned. ::sigh::

After Megan and I went to the airport, we stopped by Joe's house and hung out there for a while. Joe's cousin Dave was also there, and some kid who's living with them (forgot his name). Dave, Megan and The Kid stayed outside in the humidity and talked for ever but I couldn't take it and decided to go inside. I talked to Joe's mom in the kitchen for a while, played with Sidney (their dog) then watched part of Old School with Joe. Exciting, eh?

Ever since I saw The Lizzie McGuire Movie, I have been enjoying Hilary Duff more than ever. Today I bought the soundtrack to the movie, mainly for the song "Why Not." I looooooove that song. I could listen to that song whilst singing into my hairbrush for hours. Heh.

I wore the side zip pants again to work today, and got lots of compliments (I told y'all they were cute). I even had someone ask me for my number! Okay, okay, it was 70-something year old Mr. Menaged (a regular at the 'ol pharmacy), but hey, he was for real! I even talked him into applying for a Target Visa. Poor thing got turned down. Oh, well. Still counts for me! Heh. Which reminds me, Katie said I could get a prize for that Target Visa I got today... I'll have to remember to get that the next time I work. I've heard they have some really cute Target shirts, and beach blankets, and flip flops...

I got my dad a Father's Day card after work. It's really cute, and sort of fits my personality, mreh. It says, "Dad, I know life wasn't the easiest with me as your kid... what with all those other dads being so envious and all." Hahaha.

I changed out my bellybutton piercing for the first time yesterday (Cookie had to help me, haha) and it's kind of reddish. I hope that goes away.

Oh, good news. I got online this evening, and right as I signed on to AIM I got an IM from Lauren:


Ah, yes. You should be sorry for neglecting your Erin (you know I'm kidding Lo, hehe). We talked a bit, she told me she has had a v. v. busy schedule as of late, and she will give me details tomorrow when we really get to talk. We also made plans to go to the beach Friday. Woohoo! I intend on going tomorrow alone if the weather cooperates. We've been having a nice amount of rain these past few days, and I think we are well overdue for some nice Florida sunshine.

Sally is almost done with the new layout! Woot!

Tonight on Mtv a show called The History of Piercings came on. I made my mother watch it with me. I aim to cure her of the close-mindedness she has about that sort of thing. She has been giving me problems about Cookie lately because "he has a lot of holes in his face," but as we were watching the show I pointed out that Cookie's tongue and labret piercings are nothing compared to what certain others do, and she should just suck it up and deal. Well, I said that last part in my head, but I think she knew what I was trying to convey.

I'm going to try to force myself to go to bed now. That way I'll wake up early enough to be at the beach by 10 a.m. or so. It's so nice at the beach when there aren't many people there. G'night all.

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