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Sex is not the Answer
Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003

I might be going to see Beauty and the Beast live tomorrow. I've been asking my mom for the past month, and she kept telling me she'd take me, but did she ever get tickets? Noooo. So, she called Ticket Master and they still have some left for tomorrow night's show. She's gonna call tomorrow morning and try to get some, or if that doesn't work, I think they are selling them at FYE at the mall, so I can go get them. I really really really hope I can go.

I love Beauty and the Beast. I love Belle, I know she's a cartoon character, but I admire her. Yes, I know most of you find it odd that I admire a cartoon, but in today's world it's hard to find a good role model. I mean, I am obsessed with and would love to look like Britney Spears, but she is definitely not a role model. No no no. Geez, I just really hope we get to go tomorrow night.

Today was my first day back to work since I was out sick with strep. Blah. I wish I could be sick forever, just so I wouldn't have to work. Damn nine hour days with only a lousy thirty minute break. Lies! It's just ridiculous if you ask me.

I'm not scheduled tomorrow, but Tasha is making me work from 1-5 because she has to do an interview tomorrow (yesss) and she might need extra coverage for a while. A lady from a Target in a different city is coming to Jacksonville tomorrow for Tasha to interview her as a possible full-time tech. Ohh, I hope so. Less work for me.

Right now we don't have anyone as full time. Our "technicians" (if you will) consist of me, Hiyas (she has been working there about a year and only works on Fridays) and Melissa. Melissa is our pharmacy district manager's daughter, and she is in town for the summer (she goes to UF). Melissa is sooo awesome! She wants to take me out to 8 Seconds with her sometime... eek! I've always wanted to go there, but I'm not really the club type. I'll give it a shot I suppose. I also want to go to DV8 with Cookie sometime. He's just too cute when he dances. And oh, can that boy DANCE! He's made of rubber, I swear.

I miss Cookie so much. He's been crashing at his friend's house for the past few nights, and I've barely gotten to talk to him or see him. We hung out for a bit last night with some friends. Shot pool at Riggsy's and then did the IHOP thing. Always a good time with Cookie and his friends. I haven't been able to spend any quality cuddle time with him, though. Grr. I get unruly when I don't get my cuddle time.

Hulk comes out Friday! Weee! And so does Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Hehehe. ::jumps up and down with excitement:: Friday is going to be a very happy day for me. I can't wait!

Earlier Cookie's away message was "Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer." My away message was "Yes." Muahahaha.

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell
And for once it might be grand
To have someone understand
I want so much more than they've got planned

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