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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Saturday, Jun. 21, 2003

I can't remember the last time I was this happy. The past two days have been magical. There's no better way of putting it. I know that sounds corny, but hey, it's the truth. I am loving life right now.

Thursday night Momma and I went to see Beauty and the Beast live. It was amazing. I love that movie so much, and seeing it live only made me love it a million times more. The second the music started playing, and the narrator's voice began, "Once upon a time, in a far away land..." I started crying. Why?! I have no idea. I just did. Out of sheer joy I suppose. I felt retarded, but I didn't care. To be so happy that you cry is a wonderful feeling.

I was so giddy during "Belle." That is my favorite song in the movie, I can't get over how much I heart that song. Hehe. A beauty but a funny girl... That's got to be my favorite line. Oh wow I love that song. Another one of my favorites is "Gaston." That performance rocked. At the end they all had a beer mug in each hand, and they did a choreographed dance with the mugs, where they clinked them together on the beat of the music. It's hard to explain exactly how they did it, but if you've seen the show then you know how awesome it is. Of course "Be Our Guest" was the most exravagant scene. I loved it! You can't go wrong with dancing silverware.

There were also a lot of songs I'd never heard that were written specifically for the stage show. They were all beautiful. I think my favorite of the "new" songs was "If I Can't Love Her." It was a solo by the Beast, and it was gorgeous. I really want to get that soundtrack. I have the soundtrack to the movie, but not the play.

As a souvenir I bought the program, which had lots of pretty pictures to look at (wow Gaston is hot). Next time I go (and there will be a next time) I'm going to buy the black T-shirt with the while outline of the Beast holding the rose. I really wanted to get it last night, but I didn't have enough money. Oh, well. I'll have it one of these days.

Erin gives Beauty and the Beast a zillion thumbs way, way up.

Okay, the number two reason why the past two days have been great: Cookie and I went to see Hulk tonight! Oh wow was it good! Ang Lee is a genious. Genious! I got tickets in advance yesterday so we didn't have to wait in line, and we got good seats, too. We had so much fun. Everyone go see that movie as soon as possible! Hulk smash puny humans!

After the movie, Cookie and I swung by my house for a while. My mom, Brian, Brian's brother Jeff, and our neighbors, Kim and John, were all out on our back porch drinking martinis. They were all so drunk, especially my mom. She is so funny when she's drunk, but after a while she starts to scare me. I overheard her say, "I'm gonna be sick" to Brian, then she went in her bathroom and puked. She usually doesn't do stuff like that, but you'd think that she'd do it in moderation when she does decide to get drunk. Even I know that. The upside to my mother's drunkedness: I can stay out as late as I want and she'll never know. Brian even told me I should go out. Heh. I like Brian when he's drunk. Anywho, back to the magical-ness...

As if you haven't already figured it out, the number three reason why this was a magical day is... Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out tonight (today?)! Cookie and I went to Borders around Midnight. I had reserved a copy, so we didn't have to wait in line too long (I was number 167 I think). I felt kind of bad for the people who didn't reserve their copies... the numbers were up in the 600s! Holy moly, that's a lot of people. It's so good to see that many people (mostly kids) so excited about a book. After about an hour at Borders I had my very own copy of the new Harry Potter book. I squealed with excitement. Those of you who know me well know that I really do squeal, and it was loud. Cookie will testify to that. Heh.

We made another quick stop at my house to drop off my beloved, my precious, my very own copy of the new HP book, and then headed over to Doug's apartment. I almost stayed home so I could read, but decided I would go out instead. I'll read when I get home. Anywho, I'm over here with Cookie, Doug, Brendan, and Honkey. They all went to Krystal while I stayed here to write this entry. Speaking of Krystal, I have a funny pharmacy story for you all...

Yesterday I worked a few hours with Tasha and Melissa. A lady came in to fill a prescription, and her last name was Berger. When we tried to look her name up to make sure she was in our system, we didn't find her name. We asked if she was sure she had been to our store before, and she was absolutely positive. Finally we realized that someone had added her name in wrong, that it was actually in there as Burger not Berger. The fact that we had her name in our computer as Burger is funny enough in itself, but then we realized what her first name was: Krystal. Melissa and I looked at eachother for a moment, then we busted out laughing. Krystal Burger. Oh my gosh, it was hilarious.

Well, Brendan is bugging me now because he wants his computer back. And Cookie is sucking on my neck, heh... I gotta go, peace.

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