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Emotional Range of a Teaspoon
Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2003

I wrote Justin an e-mail, and then we talked. Everything was straightened out, and this is my feeble attempt at ending it, once and for all. The whole thing has me pretty exhausted to be quite honest! Rather than write about it, I'll just do my usual conversation posting (which has been slightly edited, I'm only including important stuff).

enkubiss: hey
SevenNchik: hi
enkubiss: I do apologize for writing that about you and Cookie...
SevenNchik: accepted
enkubiss: I just knew you would never really mention it to him, and I just for a split second thought that this would let him know, but I'm sorry, it was stupid
enkubiss: thanks for being civilized in rebuttal
SevenNchik: no problemo
enkubiss: I can accept that... not what everyone else is writing
enkubiss: Dean keeps IM'ing me, cussing me out, and I've never said or done anything to him
SevenNchik: im sorry, but you insulted his INTELLIGENCE, not something he loves (like in my case) but his intelligence
enkubiss: well, he insulted my faith, and accused me of acting like I'm better than everyone else
enkubiss: and that is not me at all... I'm way too laid back to think of myself highly
SevenNchik: not trying to get into it again, but the way you "invaded" Ashley's tag board...
SevenNchik: made it look like that... sort of... (dont be mad, just stating what lots of others have said)
enkubiss: well, ashley noted me and told me to go there...
enkubiss: so, I went there...
enkubiss: and I wasn't going to write an entire entry in defense from her
enkubiss: I don't even know WHO she is
enkubiss: I mean... I don't even know her... how dare she point the finger of blame at me when she doesn't even know me
SevenNchik: i understand, but she was one of my BEST friends from wolfson, before she moved away, and she always was one to stick up for me no matter what the circumstance


enkubiss: Cookie's diary was very well thought out
enkubiss: I respect that
enkubiss: but, I do not understand how I am forcing my beliefs on others
enkubiss: I mention my faith, and all of a sudden I'm Billy Graham
SevenNchik: well, you really mentioned it
enkubiss: I never attacked anyone faith- or religion-wise
enkubiss: I said that if you believe in God... like a real belief... solid... and you think reading Harry Potter is BETTER than reading the Bible... fundamentally...
SevenNchik: Justin I never said that
enkubiss: you need to reassess your beliefs
SevenNchik: and thats why I got upset, I'm practically in tears over here, I believe in God ok
SevenNchik: dont preach at me
enkubiss: I KNOW YOU DO
enkubiss: I'm talking about the others
enkubiss: who keep saying that I'm a religious fanatic and a Bible-beater
enkubiss: don't cry
enkubiss: :-(
SevenNchik: Justin dont tell me to reasses
enkubiss: not you!!
SevenNchik: just because im not as outspoken as you, doesnt make me less of a Christian
enkubiss: I'm saying those people that think that way
enkubiss: I wasn't aiming that at you...
enkubiss: maybe I should have deliberately specified
SevenNchik: oh ok
SevenNchik: i just thought you were telling me, like right now
enkubiss: no, no , no
enkubiss: I know where you stand, Erin...
SevenNchik: ok


SevenNchik: and as much as I write about lotr and harry... someone insulting it hurt my feelings
enkubiss: I realize that
SevenNchik: im sorry if you think thats not right, but its the honest truth
SevenNchik: i dont have much, but i have stuff like that that takes me away, and that i enjoy
SevenNchik: stuff like that, and beauty and the beast, all that stuff lots consider trivial... i love
enkubiss: but she didn't insult it directing it at you or anyone... I honestly think she thinks the whole idea and hoopla of it is gay
enkubiss: yes... there's nothing wrong with that
enkubiss: there's nothing wrong with harry potter or lotr...
SevenNchik: to hear miss perfect homecoming queen high gpa etc. etc. call one of the few things i DO have "gay"
SevenNchik: ohhh it boiled my blood


SevenNchik: i know Raquel can be nice, she and i have had conversations before, but i always felt like it was fake
enkubiss: no... trust me... I've always thought that, because she makes me puke... she's just a really nice girl... she is completely genuine
enkubiss: and honest...
enkubiss: if she doesn't like something she'll let you know
SevenNchik: hell, so will I
enkubiss: see, though... she's so honest it kills me... when she acts nice... she really is
SevenNchik: well so am i!
enkubiss: I know YOU are!!!
enkubiss: I'm trying to tell you about raq though
SevenNchik: ive heard enough about her to last me a life time
SevenNchik: no offense
enkubiss: yeah, you've heard... things are lost in the translation
SevenNchik: i understand
enkubiss: just like with what I've heard about cookie


SevenNchik: i like my little "fantasy genre" things... someone who, in my eyes, has no appreciation for things so lovely has the nerve to INSULT them. So i go to my diary, for my thoughts, write down my thoughts (and yes, insult her in return, but hey it was one of my thoughts)...
SevenNchik: and then a hundred other people read it, some agree some don't...
enkubiss: yeah
SevenNchik: and then THEY all get into fights, which in the end, im not even in the fight anymore
enkubiss: I noticed
enkubiss: heh
SevenNchik: and yet, people make it seem like i blew it out of proportion
enkubiss: it's like a big dogpile which you started, but got out of
enkubiss: lol
SevenNchik: when i just wrote one measly entry and got a ZILLION responses
SevenNchik: ya thats exactly it
enkubiss: well, my point is that raquel just wrote a measly away message and it was up for only a few hours
enkubiss: she meant no HARM
enkubiss: her friends thought it was funny
enkubiss: you didn't
SevenNchik: her friends who have no clue as to how i feel about it
SevenNchik: its just frustrating
SevenNchik: she was calling ME gay when she said that
enkubiss: now, I could understand most definitely the backlash if she had written Erin, harry potter is so gay...
enkubiss: but she didn't!!!
SevenNchik: but if you two think the "craze" about it is gay, then thats just like saying Erin you are gay, because im involved in that craze, i went to borders at midnight, i liked seeing everyone dressed up...
enkubiss: well, I was involved in a gay bar in miami last year, but that doesn't mean I was gay
enkubiss: she honestly had no clue of how into hp you are
enkubiss: I swear to you
SevenNchik: well i want to write her or something just to end it
enkubiss: do it... she'll respect you even more
SevenNchik: just so she understands
SevenNchik: show her what i wrote you, too
enkubiss: I will, most definitely
SevenNchik: or tell her or something
SevenNchik: ok
enkubiss: I appreciated that

So there you have it, a condensed version of the conversation I had with Justin. And yes, I wrote Raquel an
e-mail, just to bring an end to this. I appreciate everything that you all said and did in my defense, it only made me love you all ten times more. In the future though, it's not necessary, heh. Let's never do this again. On with the entry!

Last night I went over to Doug's again to visit Cookie for a bit. After that, I drove to IHOP and met up with Rob, Casey, Jason, and a few others (yeah, they're all people I met through Cookie, but they're my friends now too, hehe). People drifted in and out of the restaurant as the evening progressed, and I must say I had a lovely time with everyone. Cookie has the most wonderful friends, and I feel very lucky to have been subjected to such a nice group of people. About two weeks from now, a big group of us is getting together and going to Itchitucknee! It's going to be so much fun!

I left IHOP around 2 a.m. and when I got home I read some more of OotP. I was up til about 3:30 reading! I just couldn't stop, though. I want to finish it so bad, but as I've mentioned before I never want it to end. I'm also scared of finding out who dies! I hope it's not my Ronny... she wouldn't kill off my Ron, would she?

I really want a Gryffindor scarf, like the ones they wear in the movie. Anyone know where I can get one? Eh, probably not. I really want to dress up for the next movie, hehe. I wish it was premiering in December like the last two, but instead it's coming out next summer. Grr. Well, at least that'll give me more time to put an outfit together.

Well, because I was up entirely too late last night, work was hell today. I was so tired, I thought I was just going to pass out at one point. On my lunch, I went upstairs in the break room and read Harry some more. One of my managers saw me carrying it (the book is HUGE if you haven't already seen a copy) upstairs and said, "What's that? The Bible?" "No," I said, "it's Harry Potter!" I found it amusing and somewhat ironic that he thought it was a Bible, considering the recent argument concerning Harry Potter books and the Bible... hehe. (Am I the only one who finds that sort of thing entertaining? I thought it was very comical...)

After lunch, I went back to work and struggled to stay awake. So many annoying, obnoxious, rude, jerkish people came to the pharmacy today. I was on the verge of tears by the end of my shift, only because I was so frustrated (on top of the fact that Cookie, Justin, Devon, Dean, Ashley, Raquel and a million other things were running through my head).

I went straight home and plopped down in my computer chair, and just sort of sat for a while, scared of what I might find written about me today... Luckily there was nothing too horrid. This was when I decided to compose my e-mail to Justin. Don't ask me what I wrote in it, because it's between Justin and me. I'm just saying everything is fixed, and as you can read in our conversation above, we were both right and wrong about certain things.

Now I'm just sitting here, relieved that I'm not in an argument with anyone, plus I don't have to work tomorrow. That means I can stay up at all hours reading Harry with no consequences in the morning. Hehe. Speaking of, I really need to get back to reading! I have to find out what's gonna happen to poor Mr. Weasley! Harry had this vision of him being hurt, and some people thought he was crazy, but Mr. Weasley really was hurt, and now he's in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.... Okay, okay, I'm shutting up. I can just see the looks on all of your faces... heh... but I'm still leaving you with a few quotes from OotP that I found absolutely darling. Enjoy!

  • Ron seemed to come to himself slightly as they walked back across the Great Hall. He touched the spot on his face where Hermione had kissed him, looking puzzled, as though he was not quite sure what had just happened.

  • ...Dobby had taken it upon himself to decorate the place for Christmas. He could tell the elf had done it, because nobody else would have strung a hundred golden baubles from the ceiling, each showing a picture of Harry's face and bearing the legend HAVE A VERY HARRY CHRISTMAS!

  • Cho made a funny noise halfway between a sob and a laugh. She was even nearer him now. He could have counted the freckles on her nose. "I really like you, Harry." He could not think. A tingling sensation was spreading throughout him, paralyzing his arms, legs, and brain. She was much too close. He could see every tear clinging to her eyelashes...

  • "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have," said Hermione nastily, picking up her quill again.

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