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Nothing too Exciting
Friday, Jun. 27, 2003

Thank goodness my doctor called in a new Rx for me. I sure as heck didn't want my throat to get worse. I'm feeling very drowsy right now, though. I've taken the antibiotic for my throat, Naproxen and Midol for my period, and Tylenol PM just so I could sleep a little. Sheesh, that's a lot. No wonder I'm groggy. I hope I feel better tomorrow, because I have to work. I hate having to work weekends, but at least it's only every other weekend.

I was supposed to go to a party with Allie and Dean tonight, but I really don't feel up to it. Plus, Dean had a conflict and isn't going to be able to make it until 10:30 p.m. or so, and since Allie and I both have work tomorrow, we decided not to go. I'm kind of glad, because I really do need some rest.

OotP just gets better and better. I want to keep reading, but everytime I start, I get really really tired (you know how reading will do that to you). I only have about three chapters to go! I think I'll be able to finish it tonight.

I've wathed Chamber of Secrets twice today. I fell asleep both times, though. I'm in such a Harry mood right now. I wish I could watch Sorcerer's Stone but I let Tasha borrow it (along with my Fellowship DVD) and she hasn't given them back yet. I don't think she's watched either of them. I'm going to demand them back tomorrow. Those are two of my favorite movies, I miss them!

Lately I've been talking to people about work, and how our store sucks now. Well, not completely, but it's not as fun as it used to be. I mean, Justin, Shelby, Lauren and Alan all left, and Ashley is about to leave as well. Some of the new people are nice, but certain others... ugh. I just wish things were back to how they used to be, when I really enjoyed my job. ::sigh::

Can you tell I really have nothing to talk about? Probably because nothing too exciting happened to me today, besides getting my nails done and picking up my Rx. I wish my life was more interesting sometimes, but then again this is a nice change compared to how things were a few days ago! Heh.

I have "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benetar stuck in my head.

Oh, yes, here's a bit of news. Jason and Jacquie are dating now. I guess I'm happy for him, although I'm not too fond of her. I mean, she tried to hook up with how many guys before finally settling down with Jason? She just better not hurt him, or I'll lay the smack down. I saw her the other night while I was at Doug's, and I was completely nice to her, even tried talking to her, but she just kind of stood there and stared at me and Cookie like she usually does. Well hopefully now that she is with Jason she can act normal around me.

I'm really looking forward to the Itchitucknee (I'm never sure if I'm spelling that right or not) trip. I've never been, so I'm very excited to be going.

Jeez, I'm so bored. Sort of glad to be working this weekend, becaue I don't think I'd have anything better to do anyway. I really want to go see the new Charlie's Angels movie, though. I've been getting myself pumped up for it by listening to the soundtrack from the first movie. There's an awesome remix of the original theme song on it, and it's really fun to drive to! Any of you ladies out there want to go see it with me? Call me and maybe we can go! I know Devon mentioned that she wanted to see it. Legally Blonde 2 came out as well, and that's another one I'd like to see. So many good movies coming out this summer! Plus Pirates is almost in theaters! ::squee::

Well, I guess I'll bring this boring entry to a close. Hopefully I'll have something more worth while to write about tomorrow. Adieu!

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