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Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2003

I'm so insanely bored right now. Today would have been one of of those perfect days for me to go over to Cookie's house and spend the entire day in bed with him, but alas, he has to work. Yes, my friends, he has a job now! He is training at Little Caesars today (Bren helped him get the job), and he is going to be made a manager! Wooty woot! He is also getting a second job at Hollywood Video because he loves discussing movies and whatnot. We went in there one night and they hired him on the spot, hehe. My baby's so great.

Last night the Wardogz clan meeting was actually a lot of fun. Megan was there with Bren so I had another female to converse with (thank the good heavens). The boys were at one end of the table, and Megan and I were at the other end, but when Cookie arrived he sat with me and Megan! How sweet is that? I was going into this thing expecting to be completely ignored, and I got more attention than the meeting, muahahaha.

I am somewhat worried about this clan thing, though. Megan and I take second to the computers and LAN parties often enough, and now there's a freaking clan?! It's going to take over their lives. Well, that's what she and I think, anyway. But hopefully not. The upside, though, is that our boys are gonna kick everybody else's arses! Mreh heh.

Yesterday I signed up to be reviewed by Sweet Reviews. Don't ask me why, I think it was because I was bored (somehow that doesn't surprise me). Anywho, I'm being reviewed by Michael. He must be cool, because he has Draco Malfoy in his layout. Heh heh. But yeah, I think I have a pretty well kept up diary, so hopefully I'll score high.

I feel like such a vegetable. I just sit here all day. I really need to start working more, or my ass is just going to grow to the computer chair. No, seriously. My days off are spent checking my e-mail, checking my Diaryland buddy list, seeing who's on AIM, and then repeating that cycle until I get sick of it. I need a hobby. Other than being addicted to my preciousss computer.

TTT comes out on DVD really soon! ::squee:: I'm so excited. And ROTK will be here in December! I still haven't read the book, though. I should get on it. I just need to start reading more, period. The last book I read was OotP, and since then I've read parts of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (a book Honkey let me borrow some time ago). It's a good book, I just can't make myself finish it. Maybe I'll try to do that by tomorrow. I don't have much left.

As stimulating as this entry was, I'm bringing it to an end. Hopefully something worth writing about will happen today so I won't have to bore you all next time.

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