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Thank God for Beef
Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003

Today I worked at the San Jose Target. It was kind of odd. Their pharmacy is very different from ours, but it was neat to work at a different store. It was also fun walking the floor and having all the team memebers stare at me because they had no clue who I was. "What department do you work in? I've never seen you before?" "Oh... I work at the Southside store - in the pharmacy." I felt v. v. important. Mreh heh.

Devon-o-lio got the presents I sent her in the mail yesterday, hehe. I like getting friends random things. Makes me feel good. Hopefully I'll be hearing from Jacobbi soon (wow I miss him). I sent him a roll of film from the last time he was here, and a nice little letter, too. I enjoy sending packages.

Last night I was on the phone with Devon because we were watching our dear Raquel on Gimme the Mike, which is our city's version of American Idol. Anywho. She sang "Stuff Like That There" and it was pretty cute. Sure didn't do much for the judges, though. Heh. I think they were looking for someone with real singing talent, not just a mediocre voice and a hoppin' performance. I'm sorry, that was cruel... but I meant it, so oh well.

Last night I watched part of the Mtv special on Jack Osbourne and his addiction to OxyContin. It was really heartbreaking. I mean, I used to think Jack was just the fat pig of the family who always looked nasty and said perverted things, but after watching that show I am an official Jack Osbourne fan. Giddeon Yago interviewed Jack and Ozzy, and when they started talking about Sharon and her cancer, I got teary eyed. They really seem like nice people. I wish I was friends with Jack and Kelly so I could hang out with them. That would be kick ass.

When I started taking my birth control pills, I had no idea they'd affect me this much. I'm going insane. I know, I know, you warned me Cee, but dang! I cry all the time for no reason at all. I feel overwhelmed with sadness but in my head I'm thinking, Why they hell am I upset? It's just ridiculous. Everytime I think about Cookie, I cry. Sometimes happy tears, sometimes sad. Ohh, and I'm just a mess whenever he leaves.

Last night we went to see American Wedding (which was great by the way) and he walked me to the door when he was dropping me off. I swear we stood outside my house for at least twenty minutes because I wouldn't let him leave. Each time he started to walk away, or say that he had to go, I would just start crying. I feel like I'm pissing him off and getting on his nerves, but I really can't help it. I seriously want to be with him every second of every day. I mean, I was always like that, but more than ever now. I have a mental break down if I can't spend time with him. Damn pills, fucking with my hormones.

This morning I was watching Good Morning America, and Katie Couric was interviewing Shia LaBouf. I love that kid. He's so adorable, and I think he's a really good actor, too. She was asking him about his name because it's pretty unique. He was saying that he had hippie parents, and they had a fun ol' time with his name. Shia means something like "thank God" or "gift from God" and their last name, LaBouf, means "beef." So, all put together, his name means "thank God for beef." Hahaha.

Michelle called me yesterday. I don't think I've seen or talked to her since December. Anywho, we have plans to do something tomorrow. Not sure what yet. Beach if it's sunny, or maybe a movie if it's rainy. I can't wait to see her!

Well, I'm off for another uneventful evening of sitting here alone and feeling pathetic until my boyfriend calls me. He gets off around 8:30. If I don't get a call by 8:45 I think I'm going to have a conniption. No, seriously. Effing pills.

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