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The sweet Erin you always were...
Monday, Aug. 18, 2003

You've changed from the sweet Erin you always were. Maybe you never really new me, then, Justin. Oh, and thanks for the note, made me laugh (and no, I'm not going to delete it, it's too priceless). That's all I have to say about that.

Yesterday Devon and I went to the mall, just like old times. It was so much fun, and we got Godiva Chocolate on top of everything, yummeh! We went to Sam Goody so she could pre-order TTT (one week and one day left!) and we saw John Michael there. He's worked there for the past year or so, and I usually see him when I go to the mall. He's just too adorable for words.

After the mall I met Allie and Kristy up at the pool and we went swimming. A few hours later Rob picked me up and we went to the beach with Matt. The Twilight Swimming Club is definitely kick ass, the beach at night is the best.

Poor Cookie Baby has to work every night this week from 4:30 to close. I went up there to visit him when I got off today, and he and Brendan were both working so we all hung out for a while. I love seeing Cookie at work because they let him wear his fedora, but he has to take out all his piercings. It's so funny seeing him without them in, hehe.

Well, I'm gonna make this a short entry because I'm not in the mood to type anymore. Peace!

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