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High and Blind
Thursday, Aug. 21, 2003

This morning I got up around 7 and went to the gym. Michelle was supposed to go with me, but she spent the night with her boyfriend last night and she wanted to stay with him, which is understandable. I probably would've done the same thing. Anywho, I got in a good workout this morning.

After the gym, I went to Pearle Vision at the Avenues to get my eyes checked. I wear glasses for distance (I'm required to wear them while I drive) but I lost the only pair I had. I needed to get a new pair, plus I think my eyes have gotten much worse within the past year so I got a new Rx. During my exam, I couldn't even read the second line on the eye chart without help, all I could read was the big 'E' at the top. Whew, I had no idea my eyes were that bad.

When I left my eye exam I had to go straight to the dentist to get a filling. They numbed the entire right side of my face, plus they gave me the laughing gas, so I was pretty out of it. I love that stuff, makes you feel like you're floating. Anyway, when my dental appointment was over, I had to drive home. Now, on top of the fact that I was high on the laughing gas, my pupils were still dilated from earlier. I have a hard enough time seeing without my glasses, so you can imagine how my eyesight was today. It's a wonder I made it home alive. Being high and practically blind makes it very difficult to drive.

Tomorrow I have a 1/2 day workshop orientation thing at UNF. I'll be getting my books, ID, parking pass, yadda yadda. I think it's from 8:30 to 12, so it won't be too bad. After that the real fun starts...

My mom and Brian are going out of town for the weekend! What perfect timing, too. I mean, my last weekend before college and I have the entire house to myself. My mom never goes out of town. She did once last summer and I had a couple little "get togethers," so hopefully I can do that again this weekend. We'll see. I have to work, though, so that sucks. But I'm sure I'll still be able to fit some partyin' in there somewhere. And if no one wants to party, I know I can always count on Cookie to spend Friday and Saturday night with me. ;)

I can't believe Rob convinced me to do it, but I made my very own Emode profile. Those aren't even good pictures of me. The tests and quizzes are kind of fun, though. If you don't have an Emode account, you should get one. Kinda silly, but fun nonetheless.

Well, Mom and I are about to go back to Pearle Vision to pick out some frames for me, so I'm gonna run. Ciao!

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