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First Day of College
Wednesday, Aug. 27, 2003

As much as I would love to go into detail about my first day of college, I don't have the time. I have a whole bunch of reading to do (I don't have to have it done til Friday, but I know I won't have time tomorrow because I work all day) so this is gonna have to be a condensed version of my experience with college so far.

My first class is English, and it's small, just like a high school class. The teacher is really nice, although I think she's a lesbian... not that there's anything wrong with that, she has just shown her feminist side a little too often for me to think otherwise.

Second I have Core 1, which is about Western Civilization and whatnot. Our teacher looks just like Simon from American Idol, on top of the fact that he has a British accent. We have to do a ton of reading in there, but besides that I have to say it's my favorite class.

My third class is Finite Math. Our teacher hardly speaks a word of English, and I have a really hard time understanding him. I already have a hard enough time with math, and now I don't even know what the teacher is saying. That's going to be interesting.

The last class of the day is Enjoyment of Music. Rob took the same class last semester, and he said that the teacher is a complete jackass. Well, so far I haven't had a bad experience with him, but he does have that jackass aura about him. Hopefully it won't be too bad though.

So that's my schedule, and I only have to go M, W, F from 8-1:15. It's funny, I feel like I'm back at UC. I have Devon in three of my classes, and Ashlee, Chris, and Vilma are in two of my classes. I swear I've seen more kids from UC than I've seen from Wolfson, but Wolfson is like four times larger than UC, haha.

I bought TTT yesterday, and I still haven't had the chance to watch it yet! Bah! But yeah, anywhoozle, I'm gonna go because I want to get all this reading done before me and Cookie hang out tonight! Be excellent to eachother! ;)

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