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Friday, Sept. 12, 2003

I've been working on this stupid diary for the past hour. I added a cast page and finally figured out how to link those damn buttons for a fanlistings page. I am just not cut out for this HTML stuff.

The pictures on my diary aren't working. I think it's because Vivalicious (who did my template) is having problems right now. Most of the images on their site aren't showing up, either. Plus the Sisters' images are messed up, and I think Vivalicious made that template too. I could be wrong, but I think the problems are all connected. Bleh, this is pissing me off.

Tomorrow is one year for me and Cookie, eek!

I think I failed my math quiz today. Not good. I've gotten 16/20 points on the last two quizzes, which isn't bad, but today's quiz has me worried. I hope I start understanding that stuff better.

Michelle and I were supposed to go to spinning together tonight, but she bailed on me. It's so weird, all week she seems so hyped up about going, then at the last minute she gets all tired sounding and makes up some excuse not to go. I wish she'd just tell me the truth and say she didn't want to go. Anywho, I went alone and had a lovely workout.

Alrighty, all this HTML crap has given me a headache. I'm going to bed.

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