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Today Sucks
Thursday, Sept. 25, 2003

Today sucks. I woke up from a horrible dream, I have to work 10-7 and I have a study group tonight at 8 for that huge Core test I have tomorrow. I'm so pissed off right now.

I dreampt that Cookie broke up with me because someone told him I had slept with someone else before I met him. He called me and was really mean to me, and said that his parents were the only people who believed me (why his parents were on my side, I have no idea). He called me a whore and all these other aweful things, and I was screaming into the phone for him to believe me and not break up with me. When I woke up I thought it was real, but then it finally hit me and I let out the biggest sigh of relief ever.

I really don't want to work today. I hope Tasheena is working. That way maybe I can convince Tasha to let me go home a little early. At least I'll get to wear my stylish new nametag.

I went to bed last night and Cookie still hadn't called. I was so mad, but really worried at the same time because I couldn't find him. I called his house and talked to his dad. He didn't know where he was either, and he was especially worried because he hadn't come home at all in a few days. I can't believe he stays out like that and doesn't even call his parents. It really irks me for some reason.

So anyway, around 12-ish last night my cell phone rang. I answered and it was him. He said he had been busy and sick and didn't think it was a good idea for him to be driving, so he was staying the night at Honkey's again. I don't rememeber much else of the conversation (I was half asleep), and I don't think I sounded mad or anything, even though I was/am. I've said this a million times, and I'll say it a million more: is it so hard to take one minute out of your day, pick up a phone and call me? Urgh.

Well, I must be going. Have to get ready for a lovely day at work.

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