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I heart Dr. Oz
Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2003

Good gravy I just watched the most awesome show ever: Second Opinion with Dr. Oz. Today's show was all about sex, and I was intrigued by the entire hour (yes, I'm a horny little thing, what's it to ya?). I can't believe how much I learned...

18-29 year-olds have sex approximately 112 times each year! That's about once every 2-3 days. More male babies are born on average because male sperm is faster than female sperm (drat!). Only 19% of women think about sex as often as men (I definitely fall into that 19%). Numerous studies have been done to see if humans are like animals in that we are attracted to pheromones or any other chemicals produced by our bodies. The only result of all those studies was that most women are attracted to the smell of male sweat, whether they're aware of it or not. Oh, and taking vitamin E helps women produce more "lube." Heh.

There was a female OBGYN who was a guest on the show. Dr. Oz asked her how Viagra affects women (its only been FDA approved for men so far). She said she actually tried it herself once, and the results were like woah, as Mya would say. She said she had never had a better orgasm. They're currently working on a female version of Viagra.

At the end of the show Dr. Oz gave three tips on having a better sex life: exercise more (try to burn at least 200 calories every day), manage your stress, and to feel sexy and comfortable in your own skin. Makes sense to me. Dude, Dr. Oz rules.

It's kind of funny to me that I happened upon this show on the sex/infertility episode, because lately that's all I've been thinking/dreaming about. I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but all my motherly instincts have been coming out for some reason. For the past two nights I've dreamed about being pregnant.

The first dream was just short and sweet. Cookie and I were laying in bed, we were naked, and we looked like we were about 10 years older than we are now. He was resting his head on my stomach and all he said was "Baby." But he wasn't calling me baby, he was talking about our baby. It was such a sweet dream. Last night was the second dream. I was in my Enjoyment of Music class, and I just had a baby, right there in the middle of the lecture. It was a girl, and she was so cute. Then a few days later (yes, days... keep in mind this is just a dream people) I had a baby boy. I don't know why I'm having all these baby dreams. I guess it has something to do with Taylor. Speaking of, it's been soooo freaking long since I've seen her. I'm going to try to make a trip to St. Augustine this weekend since I don't have to work.

This afternoon Cookie and I went to see Matrix Revolutions! Holy crap it was goooood. Neo is so hot, and Trinity is my hero. There's this one scene when they're talking to that French dude and she goes, "I don't have time for this shit," and then proceeds to kick some serious ass. I can't wait to see it again. But oh my gosh, there's one part of the movie that had me bawling... if you've seen the movie already you know what I'm talking about. Wow it was sad. ::tear::

In other news, one of my former best friends has been dating my ex-boyfriend for almost a year, and she just told me last night. Yes, pretty shitty of them, isn't it? The funny thing about it is that I don't give a flying fuck what the hell they do, but the fact that I was lied to about it is really ticking me off. Plus, I was the one who introduced them. And she used to date his cousin (he doesn't know yet, either). I can't wait til they tell him, because he's going to flip a shit. They got off lucky with me. Good thing for them I'm not the fighting type. I'm just more of the talk-shit-behind-their-back-and-never-speak-to-them-again type. I'm just so disgusted by the whole thing I could puke. But I don't really care. Not gonna waste my time with either of them ever again. So there. Hrmph.

Alright, I'm gonna go because I have a Core test Fridizzle and need to study. Peace out homies.

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