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Touch of My Hand
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003

It's been one week and one day since I last saw Cookie. We went to see Matrix Revolutions the day it came out (last Wednesday) and haven't been together since then. Sigh. Our schedules just don't go together. Not to mention he was offered a job as overnight security at Super Wal-Mart, which he gladly accepted (he's going to quit Domino's soon). Then we will be on completely opposite schedules. He claims that he will spend his days with me and work at night, but I'm sure his days will be spent sleeping instead. I just wish that boy would get a day job. I need to see him soon or I'm gonna die.

Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand

Gotta love those new Britney lyrics... anyway! Devon posted some pictures (with lovely captions) from our trip to Orlando when we went to see Hanson. Oh yeah, me and Buzz... hehehe. Go take a gander, they're quite funny.

Today was supposed to be Tasha's last day before her three week leave for her wedding. Unfortunately, there was an "incident" today at work and she has to come in tomorrow and fix some things. I don't think I'm at liberty to discuss exactly what happened, but let's just say she and Tasheena had it out. It wasn't pretty.

The week of Thanksgiving (next week) I was scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but they took me off Friday so I could have more than one day off. Then our store manager informs me that I have to work Friday as a freaking cashier because it's Black Friday and everyone in the store is scheduled. Well, I think that's bull shit. Plus I'll probably go into overtime if I work that much... ugh. I remember last year on Black Friday I worked from 5 a.m. til 2 p.m., and I sure as hell am not doing that again. I don't think me not working is going to make that big of a difference, even if it is the busiest shopping day of the year.

So yeah, going to go work on my Core paper now. How exciting. Til next time kids...

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