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Class Schedules Suck
Friday, Nov. 14, 2003

Quite frustrated right now. Been looking at class schedules for next semester for the past hour. None of the things I want to take flow together well. I was hoping for another MWF schedule. I even tried working something out with MTWR, having Friday off. That wouldn't have been so bad, either. But yeah, no luck with that.

The only way I could get the days to go like I wanted would have been if I took classes in the a.m. and p.m. with lots of gaps in between. I'm definitely not doing that, no siree. I was also trying to have at least one day of no school at all because I have to work!! Unfortunately, my only option is to go to school *gasp* every day next semester. Here's what I worked out:

Intro to Lit 10:00-10:50 MWF
Contemporary Ethical Issues 11:00-11:50 MWF
Statistics 12:00-12:50 MWF
Intro to Sociology 12:15-1:30 TR

Everything would've been fine if statistics or sociology had more options, but they didn't, so I'll just have to get over it. I guess it's really not that bad of a schedule. Now my only worry is telling Angela, our new pharmacy manager, that I won't be able to work any 10-7 shifts next semester. Which I suppose is good for me, mreh heh. Aaaand it will be nice not having to be at school at 8 a.m., even though I was trying to get all early classes. It will be a nice change, break in routine. Trying to be optimistic.

After next semester I'll almost be done with all of my general education! w00t. All I will have left after I take those classes will be Themes and Types in Literature, one more social science, and a natural science or two (long as it adds up to 6 hours of lab). I can't wait til all this crap is out of the way.

Sorry about all the school talk. I know it's of no interest to any of you. I just got a little excited. But anywho.

Cookie called me last when he got home from work. He sounded quite sad and depressed. Kept saying he missed me and needed me. Said he thought about me all night, etc. 'Bout time that boy started missing me. It's been over a week since we've seen eachother. I wanted to tell him, but didn't, that the way he was feeling last night was how I feel about him all the time. I wish I could see him more often. Sigh.

Britney's new album comes out Tuesday! Hells yeah. I can't wait. There are plenty of websites with clips from all the new songs, but I've kept myself from listening to them because I want to be surprised when I get the album. I've only heard three of the new ones, includnig MatM. The other two I've heard are Breathe On Me and Touch of My Hand, and I thought they were good... for Britney Spears anyway. Heh.

We're having movie night at my house tonight, yay! I'm rather excited. Haven't really hung out with anyone lately. I'm such a loser. At least I'll feel popular tonight when everyone is over at my house, hehehe. We might just have to play Twister again...

But anyway, I'm gonna go try to do some homework before my cycling class. Later!

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