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Black Friday
Friday, Nov. 28, 2003

Thanksgiving was fun. Felt a bit sick, but I was still able to enjoy the family, food, and Cookie. Later that night, though, was not too fun. Didn't sleep much, kept waking up to either hot or cold flashes and a super runny nose. Everything hurt. Not good.

I got out of bed this morning around 7:30 because I figured there was no use trying to sleep anymore. I felt wretched. I went through an entire box of tissues in about an hour. Bleck. Kept worrying about the work situation. I was scheduled 10-6:30 as a cashier. Should I call in sick (because I really am sick), or tough it out because today is the busiest shopping day of the year?

I called Target and talked to our manager, Ashely. I really don't like her. Kind of weird considering I used to looooove her and think she was soooo pretty. Anywho. She said for me to come in at noon instead of at 10. I tried to rest up a bit more before I had to go in.

When I got to work, I still felt like shit. But did I wimp out? No. I asked Ashley where she wanted me because they didn't need me as a cashier after all. She checked with electronics, and they had enough people. Checked with the jewelry boat, they had enough people, too. She must've called every department in the whole damn store, and everyone had enough team members because every freaking person was scheduled today. So what did she make me do, you ask? Fold clothes.

I folded clothes and messed around in softlines for about an hour. Then I went to visit my pharmacy friends. They all said I should go home. I decided they were right. So I went to find Ashley and tell her that I obviously wasn't needed and I felt horrible and needed to leave.

While I was on my hunt for Ashley, Robert M. (one of the LOD's) stopped me and asked me if I was okay. I almost started crying! I felt like such a puss. I just think he's so nice and the fact that he noticed I felt like shit made me happy. He gave me a pat on the back, told me where Ashley was, and said that I definitely needed to go home. Aww, sweet Robert.

When I found Ashley, I told her I was leaving. "Okay, see ya later!" She didn't even try to convince me stay (like she's done in the past). She's the type that says stuff like, "You don't think you could stay another hour or so?" Stuff like that. But I think she realized how pointless it was for me to be there. She didn't even thank me for coming in when I was so sick. Bah!

I just went on way too long about my job. But I hate it so much, and it deserves to be griped about. At least I don't have to work tomorrow. I called Angela and told her there was no way I was coming in (still feel pretty ick) and she said that was fine. So ha! Another day to relax. I just hope I can sleep tonight.

We're having a garage sale next weekend. Everyone come! It's going to be awesome. We're actually selling some pretty cool stuff. Anyone want my old jaguar print bedspread and curtains? Perhaps some 90210 dolls? Hehe. My mom and I started pricing stuff tonight, and plan on finishing tomorrow. I hope we have a good turnout (hint hint!).

I finished watching all the appendices on TTT:EE. Sooo good. My favorite part was when it showed how they built Edoras. Wow. They built that entire freaking city, only to burn it all down... Watching it got me in the mood to finish ROTK. I can't believe I never got around to it. Still kind of want to see the movie before finishing the book, just so I'll be surprised at how it ends. But I reallllly want to read it. I probably won't finish it in time anyway, lol.

Alright, Momma's making brownies and I'm gonna go eat 'em. Peace!

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