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Seven Nations at Freebird Cafe
Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003

OH. MY. GOD. The Seven Nations show last night was by far the best concert I've ever been to in my entire life. I can't begin to explain how happy last night made me. Everything about it was perfect. But I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself. Here's how last night went...

I picked up my aunt and headed over to the Freebird Cafe. My dad, Toni, and Danielle had been planning on going, but they bailed. I was pretty bummed about that, but I tried to keep my spirits up. Matt was there, so was the dwarf, the dwarf's gf Cynthia, and a few other friends. I saw my friend Courtney who I see at every 7N show, and I hung out mostly with her. Good group of friends it was.

The first band that came on was a local band from here in Jacksonville called the John Muka Band. The band consisted of a lead guitar, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, trombone, trumpet, keyboards, fiddle, and drums. They were an awesome band and full of energy. They had a ton of promo CDs and were throwing them into the audience like frisbees, heh heh.

Next was Rick Kurek, who describes his music as "life induced alternative and acoustic tribal pop rock." Interesting, eh? Rick looked a helluva lot like Johnny Rzeznik from the Goo Goo Dolls and had all the women in the audience swooning. He played a didgeridu, guitar, and cello, and it was pretty freakin' awesome. As much as I enjoyed him, though, he brought the energy level down way too much. The opening act was very energetic, and his music was very relaxing and chill. But I would still love to have his CD to listen to when I'm trying to just relax.

Kirk, the lead singer of 7N, came out and sang a song called "If Only" with Rick. It was the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. I was kicking myself for not bringing a camera. Two of the most attractive men I've ever seen in my life, standing right in front of me under pretty blue lighting, sweating, whipping their hair all around, being all hot-t-t. Damn. Kirk looked like an angel. I want to marry him and have his babies.

Then, finally, after hours of waiting, 7N came on around midnight. Definitely worth the wait. I knew this was going to be a kickass show because they opened with "The Factory Song." I was praying to God that they would play a lot of old songs, because as much as I like the new stuff, it just doesn't mesure up to the old stuff. The dwarf made a sign that said "Crooked Jack," the name of one of their oooold songs that is a classic. We do it at every 7N concert we go to because we all looooove that song but they never play it. Well, Kirk took the sign from Rob, held it up to the audience, and then they busted it out. Everyone went crazy! It was great.

I was tall and true all of 6 foot 2
Til they broke me across my back
By a name I'm known that is not my own
For they call me crooked Jack

They continued to play tons of old, as well as new, songs. They played my all time favorite, "Under the Milkyway." It's a cover (originaly done by The Church) but I still love it. "All You People" was amzing as always, and so was "God." "Sweet Liberty" rocked my socks. During "Twelve" Rick came out and played with them on his cello. Oh my gawd it was beautiful. I wanted Cookie to be there so badly during that song (it's a slow, romantic one). Hmm, let's see... what else did they play? Oh yes, "Wonderful," "They Big Yellow Bus," and "Scream" to name a few others. They ended the set with "Last Call," and for the encore they played "Big Dog." I couldn't believe they played so many of my favorite songs. I was in heaven!

When it was all over, I hugged everyone goodbye and left without buying any merchandise. I left all my money in the car, and my aunt was ready to leave so I couldn't go back and get anything. ::pouts:: But I'll either order stuff online or put some of it on my Christmas list. I really wanted this, and I've been eyeing this for a really long time. The guys have a Christmas album out now (Scott, the piper, said the cover looks somewhat like "Christmas at Marilyn Manson's house"), Kirk has a solo piano CD, and Dan has a solo fiddle CD. Damn, I want all of it!

So that right there was one of the best nights of my life. I'm sorry that Cookie, Dad, Toni, and Dani missed it, though. I've never gone to a 7N concert without at least one of them by my side. Kind of sad. But hey, I had the dwarf, Courtney, Matt, and Cynthia surrounding me, and that was awesome.

Oh, one more thing! February 7 Seven Nations will be performing at the Jacoby Hall with the (dramatic pause) Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra! I got this flyer at the show last night. On the back it reads, "Celtic rock band Seven Nations and the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra will rock Jacoby Symphony Hall like a bunch of leprechauns who had one pint too many." How incredible is that going to be?! I am soooo excited about it. Hehehe. Alrighty, gonna stop rambling now. I heart 7n!

I hope you will realize
This is where you belong
I hope you will come alive
And will welcome your freedom
That will welcome you home...

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