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The adjective is the enemy
Friday, Jan. 16, 2004

Yesterday was an awesome day. I told myself that I was going to be more talkative in my classes, and I actually did it! In philosophy I volunteered to read this dialogue thing in front of the class with some guy, and I commented on a few things during class. I know, shocker. Our professor is way cool and I think he likes me now that I've proven I can speak.

Next was literature. Ari was amazing, as usual (even though he scares me a bit). First thing he said when he walked in was, "Everybody stand up. Now turn your desks every which way. Now sit back down. Yes, that's much better." It was so great.

During class he had us all write a descriptive paragraph (I wrote mine about Taylor). Next he had us re-write the same paragraph using no adjectives (it was pretty tough, try it!). Instead we had to think of creative ways of describing things. "The adjective is the enemy!" Then he had us write our paragraph again. This time we were allowed to use a few ajectives, but he said to try to use more of our creative descriptions. He wanted to read a few peoples' paragraphs aloud, and I volunteered mine. Holy crap I was nervous. But everyone seemed to like it, and Ari said it was "very nice."

I stayed after class and talked to Ari about this creative writing contest UNF is having. I don't even think I'll enter it (I don't really have any ideas for stories right now, plus I'd have no time to do it) but I just wanted to talk to him up close. Somehow I've become infatuated with him (or got a crush or something... I dunno). Anyway, we walked down the hall together and chatted, and he was wearing the fedora... I think I'm so intrigued by him because he reminds me of Cookie. Not just the hat, but the personality, too. Yeah, must be it.

So... next class was sociology. The first day of class we had to find a study buddy in case we missed a class and needed to borrow someone's notes. Well, my buddy's name is Jamie and she's a junior and is way cool. She and her friend asked me to sit with them. I thought it was rather nice.

Last was statistics. So far I'm doing okay. We had our first quiz today and I'm pretty sure I got a perfect score. Of course, we haven't done much yet, and I've heard it gets a lot harder... I just hope I get at least a B in that class.

Yesterday I went to Yoga Den with my mom. Holy cow it was incredible. Sign me up for a membership! I knew it was going to be hard (it was a power yoga class), but I could hardly believe it while I was in there. It's amazing what some people can do. My mom stands on her head and everything. She's really strong! Another cool thing about it is that they heat up the room to 80 or 90 degrees and it gets sooo hot in there. They say it helps your muscles get more relaxed. It's awesome!

You know what's odd? Up until yesterday, I hadn't spoken to Cookie in four days. Four! Normally, I would have been extremely upset and crying and yelling and not sleeping. That's typically my behavior when I don't hear from him. But this entire past week I was fine. No crying or anything. I seriously, seriously think it was the yoga (I'd done it a few times during the week). It totally calmed me down and cleared my head. I've been enjoying my alone time, and work hasn't been that bad. So yeah, pretty sure it was the yoga. I'm going to keep it up I think.

Tomorrow night I'm going to my little cousin Natalie's slumber party. I think she's turning 10. We're going to order pizza, eat cake, walk down the street to a movie in our pj's, then walk home and play Twister and do little girl things. I'm quite excited.

Alright kids, I've got to get my butt to work. Adios!

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