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Friday, Feb. 06, 2004

The last couple of days have been great! Thursday school was really fun. We continued the trial in lit, and I was finally called as a witness. My character was Mali the Floating Gardener, and I wore gardening gloves and a visor so I could get into character. Haha. That class is good fun. I was kinda bummed when Ari assigned our first paper, though. Blah. I also have a Philosophy and Sociology paper due within the next week or so.

Last Friday my aunt's mother passed away, and last night we went to the funeral. It was weird, I'd never been to a funeral before. Well, it wasn't actually a funeral. She was cremated and it was more like a service, but same general feel. Even though I didn't see her that often, this was the first time someone I knew fairly well has died. I don't know what I'm going to do when someone I'm really close to dies.

After the service last night, Cookie came over and we watched The Red Violin (hey Megan, he actually wanted to see it, unlike all the other boys... haha). He was so sweet, too. Cookie's a pretty romantic guy, but last night he was extra romanticized. He kept kissing my shoulders and being all snuggly and stuff... hehehe. We had a great time. Igloo my inuit. :)

I've been listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs lately. They seem pretty neat. They have... interesting songs. I like "Maps" and "No No No" the best. Yeah. Yeah yeah.

I got to school around noon so I could "study" with Devon. We always end up talking and staring blankly at our notes when we say we're going to study together. We were supposed to be studying for statistics because we both have our quizzes on Friday. That class is getting harder and harder, ugh. Our first test is this coming Tuesday. Hope I do okay.

When I got out of class this afternoon, I stopped by Target and bought My Big Fat Greek Wedding (I've been wanting it for the longest time). Then I headed over to the mall to get my first ever facial. There's a new spa at the Avenues called Taylor Lane Day Spa. Holy crap it was so cool. The lighting is really dim and they play soothing music while they facialize you. It felt awesome, but when it was done my face felt all greasy because of all the moisturizer she put on me. Really soft, though, like a baby's butt.

I don't know why, but lately I've had this hangup about getting old, even though I'm only 19. I don't want to be one of those 30-something year old women who look like they're 50-something. I see so many women like that who come in to the pharmacy. I know their birthdays because we have their records on file, and when I look at them I can't believe how young they are compared to how they look. So I'm going to be getting facials every so often, and I've also been doing some Facercise exercises. It sounds kinda gay, but my mom's been doing it for years and she still looks like she's in her 30s, so I figured, why not? Check out the site, it's pretty cool.

Oh my gosh, I cannot wait until tomorrow night. First of all, Seven Nations is performing with the JSO! It's gonna rock hardcore. On top of the fact that I'll be seeing my favorite band, I have four family members flying in from California (my dad's brothers' family), three of which I've never even met! They're all going as well as my dad, his two sisters, Toni, Dani, and Cookie too. The dwarf is also going, and he's bringing his posse with him. We're going to have the awesomest group of peeps yo.

Alright, I've gotta go take a shizower. Have tentative plans to go hang out with the dwarf & co. at HOP of the I persuasion, and I want to make sure I'm ready when he calls. It's been a while since my last outing there. I'm kinda excited, haha. Peace!

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