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Seven Nations Symphony
Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2004

This past weekend was one of the best of my life! I worked from 9-4, then went home and got ready for the Seven Nations concert, and to meet my family from California. Cookie picked me up and we went my aunt's house. There were so many people there, I can't begin to name them all, but I finally met my aunt Sue and cousins Megan and Katie. They were all so sweet and I'm really happy we got to hang out.

After hanging out at my aunt's for a while, we headed downtown for the show. Seven Nations was playing with the symphony, and it was awesome. There were a lot of old farts there who probably go to the symphony on a regular basis, and let me tell you how shocked they were once my boys came out on stage, hahaha. Needless to say there were a few empty seets after the first set. No biggie. We all had a great time. Toni and I were laughing about how it was Taylor's first 7N concert and her first symphony, haha. When the show was over, Cookie and I met Rob, Cynthia, Dane and Arwen at IHOP. Fun fun.

The next day I drove to St. Augustine for a luncheon dealy with the fam. It was sooo much fun. I played with Taylor a lot (she has gotten so big, I'll have to post some more pictures soon) and talked mostly with Dani, Toni, Megan and Katie. Of course at some point we had to bust out the Irish music and dance. Lordy, we have so much fun. I can't wait til St. Patrick's Day.

That night Cookie came over, and since my mom was out of town he spent the night. We stayed up late watching the Discovery Channel and then we got online and watched some Strongbad emails. We also did some mad libs, and then copied and pasted them into Free Translation. If you translate something in English into another language, then back into English, it comes out all wrong and backwards and whatnot. It's so funny, go try it.

The next morning I woke up around 9:30 and was pretty productive while Cookie slept. I did some dishes, did yoga, cleaned my "office" up a little bit and got ready for work. I don't see how Cookie can sleep all day like that. I eventually woke him up because I had to be at work at 2.

When I got to work, Angela and Hiyas were working. Angela was crouched down on the floor in the back of the pharmacy sobbing. She looked like a little kid who's dog just died. Hiyas wispered to me that she just got off the phone with big boss Mike, and they were talking about the "Tasheena issue." Hmm. And I thought that mess was all done with. Apparently not. I even got questioned yesterday by an exec about all the drama that's been going down in the ol' pharmacy lately. Sheesh.

That night I came home and watched my two favorite shows of the moment, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance and Average Joe 2: Hawaii. Yes, I know. How pathetic am I? Very. Enough so that these silly shows suck me in every Monday night between 9pm and 11pm. I don't know what it is, something about that big fat guy I like. He's so funny. And those average Joe's have stolen my heart. Hahaha.

The next day (yesterday) I was really super tired in the am and decided to skip my first class. When I got up to get ready to go to lit, I checked my email and Ari had cancelled class, so I didn't have to go to class til 12:15. W00t! It was nice.

Today I worked with the studly Jimmy. He's so funny. I enjoy working with him. He was telling me about his plans for Valentine's Day (this Saturday!!!) and he is taking his fiance to a hotel in Orlando that has heart shaped beds free chocolates and things. How sweet, hehe. I don't know what Cookie and I are doing yet. I just found out a couple days ago that he has the entire day off (so do I) and I was v. v. happy about that! But anywho, I suppose that about does it for now. Later!

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