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My Friend the Magician
Sunday, Feb. 22, 2004

I had a lot to say about what has been going on this past week, but after what happened last night it all seems irrelevant and I'm not going to waste time writing about it. And now, on to the emotional rollercoaster that was yesterday...

The day started off pretty normal. Went to an 8 a.m. yoga class with Momma and Devon. It was totally awesome and I had a really good practice. It got really hot in there, about 100 degrees, and I felt super stretchy and wonderful.

When I got home I started working on my lit paper. It took me a few hours, but I finally finished it and am quite pleased with it if I do say so myself.

The day before I had gone to see Casey at work. She and Jamie just got an apartment and Cookie and I were going to go see them last night. I called him to see what time he wanted to come over, etc. His response was, "Oh shit, I forgot." He went on to tell me that Docking Station was having a lock in (for those of you who don't know, DS is where he and his friends play computer games and hang out). He said he really wanted to go, and decided to cancel our plans and do that instead.

This goes without saying, but I immediately started crying. Who wouldn't? Anyway, I did all I could to hide it, and said (very sarcasticly I might add), "Have a good time." He said, "Oh, I will." Then we said bye and hung up (note that we didn't say "I love you" before the hang up, which we always do, even if we're mad).

I put the phone down, crawled into a ball, and began sobbing. I felt like a crazy person, rocking back and forth and shit. I couldn't believe what had just gone down, and I knew that I'd die if I stayed shut up in my room all night. I had to find something to do.

This was when I remembered Matt. My dear friend Matt who just passed his massage therapy test and is now officially a massage therapist. He had called me the day before letting me know he was having party to celebrate his passing the test. I picked up my phone and let him know I'd be there.

I rode out to UNF to meet Rob, Cynthia (his gf and fellow Targeteer), Jenny, and Liz (two friends of his who were in town for the weekend). Since Matt lives out at the beach, I didn't want to drive so I rode with my Gimli (Cynthia drove separate and took Jenny and Liz in her car). Such a nice dwarf he is. The whole way there we played with his new iPod trying to pick the perfect song to pump us up. We finally decided on something by Flogging Molly right as we arrived at Matt's, heh.

We went up to Matt's house (he lives in a duplex type dealy) and Matt kindly directed me to the cooler. Beer number one, Budweiser. We poured over the SI swim suit edition and just chit chatted til people started arriving. When I started on number two (Bud again) I noticed someone new had arrived. This someone was playing with a deck of cards, so I asked if he wanted to play a card game. "You don't want to play cards against him," said the dwarf. When I asked why he told me, "Because he's a magician." Sure enough, the kid was a full fledged freaking magician.

By this time I have a nice buzz going (I'd only had two, but I hadn't eaten anything since 2). I start talking with this magician fellow and he starts doing tricks. I can't even begin to describe what things he did, but they were all so incredible. Things were appearing in my hands that weren't there a second earlier. It was wild, and I laughed my ass off. Turns out this magician's name is J, short for Justin.

J and I bonded and hung out quite a lot. And before you all get to thinking that sounds kinda fishy, let me tell you that it wasn't like that at all. He has a gf, I have a bf. But yeah, we did magic tricks all night and it was good fun. It's nice meeting new and interesting people like ol' J.

Around this time someone had come back from a beer run with my precious, my Smirnoff Ice. Number three. I went outside with Matt for a while and talked, and we walked down to the beach and saw people having sex. Then we went back inside and Rob was playing guitar and I sang (we did a bit of "Under the Milkyway" hehe).

Somewhere in between there, I made them play "Rollin'" and I taught Cynthia and some of the other girls the dance. You know, the dance the girls with the baggy pants and the sideways baseball caps do in the video. Alright partner. Keep on rollin' babeh. You know what time it is.

It was at this point that I began to lose count. Mom always tells me to count my drinks so I know when I'm at my limit, but I was so upset about the Cookie thing that I just drank and drank and drank. Yes, I'll admit it, I'm an emotional drinker. Many will testify to this. Anyway, I think I must've had four Smirnoffs. I let the magician have two, and since we got a six pack I probably drank the rest, so that would be four.

Mom called around 4 a.m. to make sure I was okay. I told her I was fine and that I hadn't been drinking. I didn't want her to worry or anything.

When the last Smirnoff was gone, I opened up a Michelob Ultra. I plopped down on the couch next to Matt, and he reached over and took it out of my hands. Said I'd had too much. I had to agree, so I let him have it. Not five minutes later, everything hit me. I felt like such shit. I was dizzy and icky feeling... it wasn't pretty.

I ate some pretzels and they made me feel a little better. When the sickiness had passed somewhat, I decided it was time to go. Rob had already left, so I caught a ride with the magician. He drove me back to UNF so I could drive my truck home. Probably wasn't the best thing to do (drive, that is). But I did, and I made it home okay. Got there around 5 a.m. and crashed.

Woke up with what I think was the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. I popped some Advils and drank lots of water. Got something to eat and then I began to feel much better. Matt even stopped by my house today to make sure I was alright. What a sweet<3.

After being lazy all day, I forced myself to take a shower around 3:00 and got ready to go out to dinner. Granny's birthday is tomorrow and tonight Mom, Brian, Granny, Papa and I went to the Cabana Club to celebrate. The food was grood (I mean good... and great... great and good) and I have a very full tummy.

And now I've got to get to bed. Didn't sleep too well last night and I need to catch up! Yoga at 9:15 tomorrow morning, squee! Goodnight all!

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