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Bugs and Stinky Water
Saturday, Mar. 20, 2004

Yesterday at work I was such a mess. I had another anxiety attack thingy (or whatever the hell they are) because I let something stupid upset me. I got all hot and sweaty and I just wanted to die. I need to not do that. I hid out in the pharmacy bathroom for a while and cried, and then I went and found Rob and he spent a few minutes calming me down. When I got back to the pharmacy, Jennifer (a pharmacist from the St. Augustine store) talked to me and she really made me feel a lot better. She's kind of an odd chick, but she's also very nice and easy to talk to.

And my head feels dead with all this useless fighting
But my head ain't dead cuz it keeps on loving

When I got off work, Devon came over and we chilled at my house for a while. Then we rode up to IHOP and met up with Casey. Damn I love that girl. She's like my Dr. Phil. Anywho, Mark, James, Matt and the rest of the crew showed up a little later. Devon and I left around 9:30 because we had to make the drive to St. Augustine.

When we got to St. Augustine, Dad rode with us over to the apartment over Toni's garage. No one lives there right now, so it's just kinda open to whoever needs a place to stay. Anyway, the place was really cool, lots of bugs though. Devon saw a spider, then I killed it. Then another spider was on her shoulder. Then there was an ant on one of the beds. Then there was some other kind of bug under one of the pillows. Kinda gross and freaky. We ended up sleeping in the same bed, lol.

We got up pretty early this morning, around 6. I haven't been feeling too good lately (allergies plus I think I might have a cold) and so a good hot shower sounded real nice. Well, I turned on the water and what do I smell? Eggs. Rotten ones. It was not the nice shower I thought it would be. When I got out, I opened the bathroom door and asked Devon to come smell the water. She could smell it from where she was sitting. I asked Dad about it later, and he said it was well water or something. Very nasty and stinky.

After our stinky showers, Devon helped me apply my jeweled tattoo, because "it just isn't St. Patrick's Day without a jeweled tattoo." Toni and Taylor came over and visited for a while, then Dad came over and rode with us to the cathedral downtown. Every year on the Saturday after St. Patrick's Day they dedicate the service to Gee-Mama and Gee-Daddy (my great grandparents) and we all go wearing our green in honor of them and whatnot. I have the cutest family, I swear.

After church we went to the partay. It wasn't really much of a partay, though. I didn't even feel like drinking because I was so stuffy and ick. But we had fun anyway, and me and my aunts and grandma danced and it was lovely. Devon didn't dance, but she will next year... muahaha. We left around 1-ish, and since then I've just been chillin. Ben and Barry stopped by a while ago and we chatted for a bit, but that's about all that's happened since I've been home.

Well, I'm feelin' pretty craptacular because of these damn allergies and/or head cold, so I'm gonna go relax and watch some tv. Later.

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